Chapter 17(Trigger Warning)

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Trigger Warning: Mild mentions of eating disorder

A few weeks later.


Eve's gut dips.

"No..." She whispers, "No."

The rest of the trip in the UK had been amazing. They went to museums, saw the beautiful UK countryside, ate some amazing food, had some amazing sex...It seemed like things were really starting to look up for them. It was like they'd circled back into the honeymoon phase all over again. They were so happy, so in love. They'd even managed to make the plane ride home romantic, talking about the future and what the rest of their lives together would look like.

They talked about getting a bigger house one day in the middle of the country, with bigger spare rooms where Eve could have a full-fledged art studio and Chris could have an at-home studio for writing music. They talked about their ideas of traveling together more, things that Eve wanted to see and gave them both a lot of hope for what their future would look like together.

When they returned home, Chris stayed with Eve for about a while as promised. He kept a close eye on her, watching her with every meal she ate to see how she was doing. There had been one or two nights where Eve had been tempted to purge, but rather than give in to it, she either confided in Chris or called her therapist, or both. Chris had been so proud of her for not giving in, and was happy that Eve was finally seeming to figure out how to be more open with him.

However, these couple of bad nights made Chris hesitant to leave Eve again, so he decided to extend his stay at home a bit longer. He was able to do a lot of great writing and recording from home, and everyone understood why Chris didn't want to be away from Eve.

While Eve had put in a lot of effort to not make herself throw up anymore, looking at the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter made her immediately feel nauseous. Eve puts on her glasses just to make sure she was seeing the test correctly.


Eve swallows and takes some deep breaths. Eve had never been very decisive as to whether or not she wanted children in the future. She'd always just had the mindset that if she were to have children, she'd love them just as much as any other parent loves their child. However, she would be content with not having any as well. The problem here was that she and Chris hadn't even been in a relationship for a year, and Eve had been both mentally and physically ill for quite some time. Eve had even reached a point where her periods had stopped for a couple of months because she'd gotten so thin - she wasn't even sure she could get pregnant.

Yet, here she was.

Would her body even be able to sustain a pregnancy? Sure, she'd gotten a lot better these past few weeks, but her body certainly hadn't automatically gone back to normal. What would Chris say? What were they going to do?!

Eve takes another deep breath, then throws the test in the trash, throwing tissue in on top of it so it would be hidden.


Chris didn't even realize how late he'd been working until he finally glanced at the time and saw that it was 2 in the morning. When he finally forced himself to go to bed, he walked into the bedroom to find Eve already asleep, which he was expecting.

Chris gets ready for the night and crawls into bed next to Eve. Eve, still half asleep, turns to face Chris and snuggles into him, tears running down her face. Eve often had nightmares about her dad, so Chris didn't even question why she was crying. Instead he pulls her to him and kisses her forehead. He runs his fingers through Eve's hair, just now getting used to the fact that it was so short.

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