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Blanket's POV:

Boris rolling around made me feel some type of way. I can't put my finger on it. Just the way he moved me delicately with him. The way he held me tight close to him. The way I had to protect him at all costs. The way his fingers grasped and caressed me. The way I felt his curves and muscular figure under me.

I... I think I was falling in love.


I never knew I would fall in love with someone as annoying as Boris.

This happened last time when Donald Trump had me as his blanket. I instantly fell in love with him. But he didn't accept me and threw me away instead. My heart was broken. Till this day I hate that man. I had never given love a chance ever again until now.

Boris just felt so cosy. There was definitely some spark between us. Yes, he may not have the same spice as Donald, but he is basically his clone. I mean they look the same, don't they?

I could feel how heated up I was becoming which was also making Boris heat up. I saw a layer of sweat appear on his neck. Oh no, he must be feeling hot.

"its so fucking hot in here someone turn the a.c. on!" he screamed as he threw me viciously on the floor.

Hurt. Betrayed. I think those are the only words I could use to describe the state I was in. He just threw me away like I meant nothing to him. Am I just nothing more than a useless piece of fabric?

No one came to turn the a.c. on so he sighed and turned it on himself. Lazy fucker.

I feel bad for getting rude to my master but he just threw me on the floor now that he was done with me.

As he was walking back to his bed after turning the a.c. on he saw me on the floor are crinkled up. He stared at me for a couple of seconds. I think he noticed how upset I was. He walked towards me and crouched down.

Boris slowly dragged his index finger down me. What is he doing? He must not touch me that way. Its making me feel..very..horny.

His eyebrows furrowed when he saw a crease on the corner of me. Ah, he must be able to understand us blankets. The way you find out wjat we are trying to say is by truly reading the creases deep within.

"You feel lonely don't you?" his hot raspy voice asks.

Very elegantly the corner of me glided up and down indicating that I was nodding and agreeing with him. It has been far too long that I have felt lonely. He was the only one in so long that made me feel happy but the fact that he just threw me away upset me.

"I'm sorry. I can explain" he starts stuttering.

Oh classic Boris. Always coming up with excuses. I formed some creases on me.

"You think I'm going to make excuses?" he asks.

I nod my corner again.

"let me- let me make it up to you" he says in a deep seductive voice. Oh god when he talks like that I become so weak. I was burning hot in embarassment right now. I form some creases again to ask him 'how?'

"You know how" he smirks. "Haven't you noticed the way I've been looking at you the past few days. The way I grind on you"

His words are making me blush real hard. He comes to touch me but instantly flinches.

"Ouch you're hot" no shit dude you're kinda making me feel some type of way.

"what's your name?" he asks. I form some creases to say "Elliot"

"So you're a boy?" he asks in confusion and slight hesitation.

I form some creases again to say 'yes but I'm gay. I know you aren't so you can just go"

He furrows his eyebrows and grazes his fingertips against me.


I'm confusion.

"I don't care if I'm straight I'll do anything for you baby boy elliot. I love you"

Oh there he goes being all cute. He is way better than trump.

I form some creases to say 'prove it'

Boris Johnson x BlanketWhere stories live. Discover now