Lucio x Non-binary Reader

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After a few moments of searching your chambers, you spy Lucio sitting in a chaise, napping by the window. He hadn't slept well last night. His body and face are the epitome of relaxed, and you take a second to appreciate his pace without those signature incredulous eyebrows and sassy grimace. Back to business you think, produce a collar from your pocket. The material is thick, so it'd be hard to affix without waking him but...

You sit next to the man on the edge of the chaise and begin kissing his neck, trying to accustom the skin to touch before you apply the brand new collar to it. He rouses a bit and moans.

"Good morning to me~" he slurs sleepily, but you can feel his sleepy grin against your cheek as you kiss up his neck and begin to pay your affections to his ears. Your hands creep up his chest, disguising the gift in fingers and and nails roaming lazily and greedily up toward his now exposed neck.

"I got you a present, Lucio. Do you want to see?"

"Mmmm of course, but I think whatever is happening here should definitely be seen through first." He mumbles against your hair. His hands are clumsily reaching at your ass, pulling up your clothes in little fistfuls.

"Hmm," you hum, finally reaching his neck. You afix the collar swiftly and snuggly, and Lucio gasps a bit, eyes flying open. "I think I want you to have it now."

The new leather rests awkwardly around his neck, leaving a gap where the crease was and cinching the skin on the sides. It'll need some breaking in, but there's no doubt in your mind it will be well loved.

"How is it, pet?"

"It's a little... stiff"

A scoff escapes your lips, and you chase it with a tsk; "ungrateful, are we?"

"W-well, it's just-"

"Very pretty on you~" you coo, interrupting any complaints. It is actually gorgeously crafted. Fine Nopalan leather, stained with a deep burgundy, almost like (though not as unnerving as) fresh blood. The soft-but-sturdy leather strip accented by a delicate vine and a golden buckle set and loop.

Lucio flushes deep red up to the tips of his ears and reaches up to fidget with his new collar. Slender pale fingers find the engraved vine and he lets slip a bashful smile as he recognizes the quality of the thing you fastened onto him.

"Thank you," he whispers.  You nod and a smug feeling fills your stomach. Pretty things for the pretty thing~ you muse, but you didn't plan to just stare at him all day. No no, this set was far too expensive to waste on dress up. Craftsmanship like this was meant to be put to use.
"Come," backing up a couple feet, you beckon with your hand. "Sit for me. I have something else for you."

Lucio makes his way to your feet, moving coyly, making sure not to close his robe as he stands, stretches, and steps up to you. He sits at your feet when you nod to the floor.

"Hmm, I didn't think breakfast was for another hour."


The leash you produce from behind your back is the second part of the set, the yellow-gold clasp tinking against itself as you lift it for Lucio to see.

"I love your long neck in a collar, angel, but would you let me control you, too?" One of your fingers trails down his neck and dips into the collar, snaking around to hook into the loop before retreating.

You can't hold back an excited smirk, watching Lucio blush even redder. He gulps down what you can only imagine to be excitement, and he reaches back up to the collar, fingers exploring the loop that would let you have him any way you pleased. He almost looks worried, but then you notice, just a little while south of where you were watching one hand fiddle with the collar, the other is pulling his robe closed to hide his growing excitement. The glee and arousal that rushes over you at the sight of him is undeniable and a slightly evil grin breaks out on your face. You muffle it just in time for Lucio to look up at you, hands still... busy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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