Dr. Min: I'll wait four seconds

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Welcome to the first chapter. I hope you like it. ^^^I'm on it by BTS. This song is such a bop tbh and not nearly long enough.

" PARK JIMIN , you are a mess." I grimaced at myself in the mirror, from which I had already scrubbed clean of every drop of water and spec of dust. Even in doing that, I couldn't erase the amount of disgust I had for the image in it.

I had been doing better. I had been learning not to hate myself and everyone around me because I couldn't cope with hating myself. For three weeks, I had been going to Dr. Min so he could fix me. He insisted that I call him that now, since I was his patient and not just his neighbor. The day I met Min Yoongi, I didn't expect to want him to fix me so badly. I didn't even know he could. All I ever knew about him was that he played the electric guitar and had a cat with a very sophisticated name.

Every day, I would come home from work and see Yoongi leaving the apartment building with that guitar strapped to his back. I saw him day after day for months and he became a new compulsion for me. I would wait by the mailboxes for 6:04pm before ascending the elevator. Yoongi would come down between 6pm and 6:04pm every night I came home from work. He would say "Hey, Jimin." I'd stand there speechless like an idiot and never respond. I was afraid if I did, I would have to start the whole thing over again. My OCD is unpredictable and I had a feeling Yoongi wouldn't take too kindly to me asking him to go back up to his apartment until 6:08pm and come back down again just so I can ignore him. Speaking of ignoring him, Yoongi was never bothered  when I didn't respond. I mean, one would usually be bothered by that. He said 'hi' to me every time without fail, even if I never responded. Shit, I'm starting to ramble, haven't I? You're here because you want to know how Yoongi and I met and why I can be such a bitch sometimes. I'll get to that last part later. First, I'll tell you how we 'met'. I put met in quotes because staring at him like an idiot every night, between 6pm and 6:04pm was not really meeting.

One night, Yoongi didn't come down with his guitar strapped to his back between 6pm and 6:04pm. I started to get antsy, so I waited until 6:08pm. 


 At 6:12pm, I was starting to get hungry and the apartment manager was beginning to look at me strangely. I finally worked up the courage to go up the elevator. My heart was pounding and my legs were begging me to go back downstairs and wait for Yoongi to come and say 'Hi' to me. When the elevator opened, I saw my door, and I saw his. Min Yoongi lived next door to me and that thought was somehow comforting. I fished my keys from my pocket and tried to ignore the itching behind my chest. I was violating a heavy compulsion, but tried to force myself to let it go. I couldn't.

The doorknob was practically made of molten lava as I tried to turn it. There was no way I could go in without a greeting. I stood there in front of my own door, unable to open it because my next door neighbor didn't say 'Hi' to me. God, you're such a mess. I hissed at myself, took the few steps to Yoongi's door and knocked four times. I heard footsteps and seven seconds passed before the door swung open. I wished it had been 8 seconds. I let another five seconds pass before speaking as my neighbor stood there with a confused expression.

" Hello Min Yoongi." Would that ruin things if I said hi first?

" Jimin? What's up?"

" Please say hi to me." I said. Yoongi raised an eyebrow. " Um. . . Hi Jimin." I let out a deep exhale and turned to unlock my apartment door. The itching was gone and the weight lifted off my chest.

" Wait a second-" Yoongi spoke. " I'll wait for four seconds, never just one." I said to him doing exactly that and refusing to look at him in the eye. " You may speak now."

Dr. Min *Yoonmin*Where stories live. Discover now