Dr. Min: 4 o'clock on a Wednesday

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An update two days in a row? Amazing. I want to crank out chapters for this book since I haven't uploaded in ages. My winter break starts in three days, so expects more from me soon. 😚

Hold on tight, this is a lot of information. Tw: child abuse


*Eight Days later*

"You met someone?" Dr. Min asked me. His legs were crossed tightly and his clipboard rested on his lap. The sleeves of his cardigan sweater were rolled up a quarter of the way and his hands gripped the pen he always used. "His pen of wisdom" he liked to call it. Every time he mentioned the purple pen, I would remind him that if he needed a pen to do his job, he should find another profession. It always made him laugh, though most of the time I was serious.

"Yes, we just had coffee this morning. . . I met him at dinner after our session last week. He works at the restaurant we went to." I explained. Dr. Min nodded his head curtly. This was the reason I was reluctant to tell him. I could already see him judging me with those cat eyes. If I hadn't had such a wonderful time this morning, I would not be telling him anything. Wonho was a nice guy, so this had to be a good thing. Besides, there was no way he could hurt me any worse than I was hurting myself.

"Well, meeting new people is a start. If the people in your life are causing you strife, it can't hurt to remove yourself from the environment and branch out, no matter how much you love them. So, what is his name? Did you enjoy his company?" Dr. Min inquired stoically.

"His name is Wonho Lee." I answered. "He's a sweet guy. And he's a ballet dancer, can you believe the odds? It was so unexpected when he told me because if you saw him you wouldn't think he had a graceful bone in his body. He's a really big man, I'm talking like bodybuilder HUGE. . ." I paused and Dr. Min just waited for me to speak again. I reckoned he had no response to my gushing. I didn't have time this morning to call Tae and tell him about the date, so Dr. Min was the lucky contestant.

Once I shut up for good, Dr. Min seemed off. Something about his demeanor was defensive. I knew enough about body language to tell that something was bothering him, but I was the patient, not him. I was sure he wouldn't take kindly to me asking him the questions. Besides, now was not the time and after three weeks, he and I weren't close enough for me to ask him about his personal life, neighbors or not.

"He sounds. . . delightful. You two have similar interests. . . that's a plus." He said flatly. I nodded "Right now, he's still in school to become a dance teacher." I continued. The pause was supposed to shut me up, but it didn't. "I'm sorry, am I talking too much about him? You seem bothered." I chewed my lip.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it. My job is to listen to you talk. . . no matter what it is." Yoongi cleared his throat. "So are you thinking about those hobbies? I'm glad that you're making more friends, but what can you do for yourself? Remember, you'll be happiest when you find contentment in being alone by doing things that are pleasing, then everything else will fall into place." Dr. Min reminded me. His tone was stern. Something was definitely bothering him, but I knew if I asked again, he would just deflect.

"I'm going to start dance lessons for next week. Wonho referred me to his teacher and I'm going to call him today."

"Great. I'm glad to hear you're making progress. . ." He cleared his throat. "Now, lets begin today's session." Dr. Min gave me a tight lipped smile. "I was looking back at the notes from our previous sessions. You know I like to keep record to track of your progress,"


"and I noticed that I never got back to you on the high school dilemma. Today, I want to talk about it with you and try to see if we can unpack some of your trauma and the root of your self resentment. We should identify the root of the problem so that you can avoid making the same mistakes with this new. . . friend." Dr. Min explained, readjusting his position on the couch.

Dr. Min *Yoonmin*Where stories live. Discover now