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I hope that one day
I'll find someone
Who will come with me in my every journey
Who will guide me with my uncalculated decisions
Who will light my every turns
Who will try to hone me in spite of having a hard head to teach to
Who will try to control me in a good way
Who will make me remember of who I really am
Who will always call me out when I'm having my worst plan
Who will try his hardest to make me laugh despite the tears that threaten to fall
Who will always do his best to push me towards the right path
Someone who will taught me how the universe works but will tell me later on to forget it
For that's just a nonsense talk he tried to brought up
Someone who will stay with me at my worst
Someone who will hold my hand at night
Someone who will break my walls—
Someone who will love me even beyond unknown time and distance—
Someone who is—my other half.


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