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I'm currently working on a short film project for my major subject. My 2 year-old laptop has given up on me, and I am now stuck trying to set up this damn desktop computer. I tried calling for service assistance but, the hard-pouring rain in the middle of the night just prevented me from doing so. Apparently it's a typhoon hailing from southwest. I once again delved into the confusing instruction booklet, its complex terms making me irritated. I'm not that fluent in Nihonggo to be understanding such jargons included in the sentences. I tried to read the words written purely in a mix of Hiragana and Kanji, trailing off the paper. As I am getting immersed in reading, I got startled by the loud thunder that came, almost cussing at the thunderous sound. Not too long as I was recovering from its suddenness, the doorbell rang almost giving me a heart attack.

"Shit!" I finally let out a yell, jumping out of surprise. Who the hell could it be at this hour!? Another one came, making me breathe in again even though I've been holding it in for a while. I wander my eyes throughout my surroundings, thinking who could possibly be outside. Reaching out to an empty conclusion, I furrow my brows and stomp my way to the doorstep. I turned the knob harshly and swung it open.

"Thank you for scaring the shit out of me-!" I huffed out in annoyance, only to be welcomed by someone I never, never expected.

"Uh... k-konbanwa..." the young-looking lady in front of me trailed off, flashing a sheepish smile at me. My jaws drop at the bob-haired woman in front of me, and trailed my eyes to another woman peeking over her shoulder. They are both drenched from the seemingly endless downpour. The other woman slightly shorter than the bob-haired girl moved beside her and clasped her hands together.

"I- can... we... enter?" she tilts her head sideward as she finishes asking in her broken Japanese. I just stared at her, not registering anything on my mind right now... and I felt my cheeks flushed up in warmth as I lose my balance and finally fainted.


"Nae-chan..." I felt hands slowly shaking me. I willed my eyelids open and woke up at the sight of the two oldest members of IZ*ONE. My eyes widened immediately as I realized that I'm lying on the floor, my door wide open, because of me blocking it's way. I sat up immediately then jolting up on my own two feet. I combed my hair backwards trying to look calm, and flashed them a smile.

"I-I'm sorry." I scratched my nape from embarrassment.

"Are you okay?" Eunbi was about to approach me but I stepped backward, holding my hands out in front of me.

"Yeah totally fine, hehe. Oh, right, come on in," I offered as I let them enter my home. I didn't mind their wet clothes dripping rain water on my floor as I lead them to the dining area. I hurried over to my bathroom to give them towels and came back to distribute them to the pair.

"Sorry to disturb you at this ungodly hour," Sakura says apologetically as she takes one of the towels.

"Well, who was the one that insisted on going for a movie date night earlier?" Eunbi joins in the conversation. Sakura just bows her head down in regret.

"W-well of course I loved it but look it rained. Hard," Eunbi adds on, flustered.

"Unnies, why not take a bath first?" I finally took the courage to give them an offer. "And maybe stay the night also."

"Eh?" the two members looked at me in wonder.

"Well, it's still raining hard I think it won't stop anytime soon. Besides, I'm alone and I could use some company tonight." I said a little bit shy.


"Nae-chan, we're done," I looked up at them wearing my clothes that's almost a perfect fit for them. I stood up and dust my shorts up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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