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Hy or hi or hey or hello or howdy or sup, I'm avyanna my friends either call me Ava or anna which ever feels most comfterble.

I'm fourteen, I'm technically from london, I was born there but, I left when I was like two, I live in south africa now, my mom is from london my dad is from a place in africa called malawi. Its an intresting mix.

I'm proudly taurus♉ born on May first.

I like poetry, like alot, my favourites are from atticus and erin hanson, either than that I do archery, write, read, swim and I've started gymnastics.

In music, I'm not really into bands, but I love Ruth b, Billie eilish and Ke$ha. Currently my favoraite song is If you need me by julia michaels.

My usaul style is grunge or anything with a large hoodie.

How I look?
I have brown eyes, I'm mixed race, I have frizzy, curly, bouncy long dark brown hair, I were thin round glasses, I have freckles on my nose and cheeks and have one piercing on my right ear, I was too scared to do the other one.

I love cartoons, I'm like the cartoon godess, I watch almost every cartoon there is (I hope) I wanna start watching anime but I don't know where to start.

I'm a feminist, very anti-Racism and don't like people who force there opinion on me especially if there wrong.

The absoulute worst thing you could say to me is boys are better than girls.
I'm a generally a pacifist but I will kick your sorry butt if you say this.

I'm very happy to help anyone in need, If you need help with anything I'm your gal.



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