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Private Chat Between: "RichieMcBitchie" + "Celestia Ludenberg ass"

RichieMcBitchie: I appreciate the invasion of my privacy.

RichieMcBitchie: But you have no reason to enter my bedroom without my permission

Celestia Ludenberg ass: oh um

Celestia Ludenberg ass: then I request that you do not look in the main chat for awhile

RichieMcBitchie: I beg your pardon?

Celestia Ludenberg ass: what were you doing with paz?

RichieMcBitchie: Is that what this is all about?

RichieMcBitchie: why I received several direct messages about my affairs earlier today?

Celestia Ludenberg ass: for someone caught in the act, you're acting strangely calm

RichieMcBitchie: There was no act to be caught in.

RichieMcBitchie: Now, I'm going to read the messages from the chat. Then you and I are going to have a nice brother and sister *chat*

Celestia Ludenberg ass: Uhm

Celestia Ludenberg ass is offline.

[. . .]



RichieMcBitchie: So this is how the chat talks when I'm not around

RichieMcBitchie: You're nothing but vermin

RichieMcBitchie: Vultures meddling in affairs that have no need to be meddled with

RichieMcBitchie: That is all.

RichieMcBitchie: Good day.

[. . .]


Private Chat Between: "RichieMcBitchie" + "Pazazzie"

RichieMcBitchie: I'm sorry

Pazazzie: why are you apologizing?

Pazazzie: it's not your fault

RichieMcBitchie: have you seen the messages?

Pazazzie: and the picture

Pazazzie: not to mention several dms from Gideon and cody

RichieMcBitchie: likewise but from Mabel, Candy, and Scarlett

Pazazzie: but we didn't even do anything!

Pazazzie: we literally got donuts, saw the sunrise at the lake, then went back to your place to hang out

Pazazzie: we just happened to fall asleep

RichieMcBitchie: You are correct.

Pazazzie: I didn't expect you to be the cuddling type, though 😂

RichieMcBitchie: Funny, I was just going to say the same thing about you

Pazazzie: I don't understand why they're making such a big deal about it

Pazazzie: and the unspoken attraction bit?

RichieMcBitchie: I dunno why they publicly discussed this, knowing we would see the messages

Pazazzie: maybe it was their way of letting ya know

RichieMcBitchie: Perhaps

Pazazzie: Anyways

Pazazzie: I had a fun time hanging out with you

Pazazzie: we should do it again sometime

RichieMcBitchie: it would have to be a secret

RichieMcBitchie: You saw how they reacted

Pazazzie: it was kinda annoying

Pazazzie: the fact that they would take comments like that so far I dunno whether to laugh or cry

RichieMcBitchie: They aren't worth your tears

Pazazzie: Thanks Dipper

RichieMcBitchie: Of course, Pacifica

[. . .]



tHICC: we were just worried

tHICC: that's all

tHICC: relax

tHICC: we just wanted to make sure you and paz were okay

Scarlett Bitch: yeah that's all

Scarlett Bitch: also @/RichieMcBitchie check your dms

Scarlett Bitch: topic change?

tHICC: topic change

Pazazzie is online.

Pazazzie: it's okay

Pazazzie: Anyways

Pazazzie: why don't we all do something?

Pazazzie: who wants to see a movie?

Celestia Ludenberg ass is online.

Celestia Ludenberg ass: That sounds like fun!

Celestia Ludenberg ass: I doubt anyone else has a theatre in their house, so we can all watch at Gleeful Manor

tHICC: @/everyone We're watching a movie at the Gleefuls!

tHICC: anyone who wants to join in let us know!

Scarlett Bitch: omw

Celestia Ludenberg ass: Phuhuhuhu see ya soon!

tHICC: okay that was creepy

tHICC: I'm definitely concerned

Usernames in order of appearance
RichieMcBitchie: Dipper
Celestia Ludenberg ass: Mabel
Pazazzie: Paz
tHICC: Gideon
Scarlett Bitch: Scarlett

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