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Private Chat Between: "Scarlett Bitch" + "RichieMcBitchie"


Scarlett Bitch: so

Scarlett Bitch: can you tell me what happened?

RichieMcBitchie: Absolutely nothing. She wanted donuts, and to see the sunrise, so I offered to go along. We then made our way back to Gleeful Manor, and we fell asleep just talking.

Scarlett Bitch: Huh

Scarlett Bitch: I hope you know that she's into cody

RichieMcBitchie: I suspected, but now I suppose I know for sure.

Scarlett Bitch: yeah

Scarlett Bitch: just don't go spreadin it around

RichieMcBitchie: I don't have so much free time that I can spend it blabbing away idle gossip.

Scarlett Bitch: anyways

Scarlett Bitch: shouldn't you be watching the movie?

RichieMcBitchie: I beg your pardon?

Scarlett Bitch: you're the one who said they'd never seen this movie

RichieMcBitchie: I can't say it interests me

Scarlett Bitch: you wanna head out?

RichieMcBitchie: What would we do?

Scarlett Bitch: we could just say we're going for a snack run and whatnot

Scarlett Bitch: then we could have some fun

RichieMcBitchie: Is this another attempt to try and get me high again?

RichieMcBitchie: That was a rather harrowing experience, Scarlett.

Scarlett Bitch: only cuz you went off on your own!

Scarlett Bitch: did I or did I not tell you to stick close to me?

RichieMcBitchie: I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about


Scarlett Bitch: you're lucky that I found you, otherwise the press woulda had a field day

RichieMcBitchie: So we're not going off to do drugs, correct?

Scarlett Bitch: no

Scarlett Bitch: I just figured we could have fun

RichieMcBitchie: that's fair

Scarlett Bitch: would it look weird if the two of us left?

RichieMcBitchie: Now who's nervous?

Scarlett Bitch: whatever let's just go

Scarlett Bitch is offline.

[. . .]



Celestia Ludenberg ass: Um, did anyone see where Scarlett and McBitchie went?

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