Chapter 6

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"Jackson, I'm merely trying to understand why you fired Mr. Burns last week, he was doing a great job and right now you're standing in front of me, sputtering words. You look like a frightened child, which is very suspicious to me."

"Ms. Devila," Jackson sighs, and I raise an eyebrow. "I-it was Sandra."

I furrow my eyebrows.

"M-Mr. Burns was sexually harassing her for weeks before you fired her." My eyes widen. I quickly stand from my chair, and head to my assistants table.

"I need you to call Mr. Turner Burns back into my office, tell him it's urgent and that he should waste no time. Then, I need you to find Sandra Mullock's number and also summon her."

"Jackson, how did you find out?" I asks as I return to my office, he was wringing his hands nervously.

"Macy found crumbled notes in her drawer, they ranged from flirty to completely vile." I let out a shaky breath as I stand staring at the floor, my hands on my hip.

"I fired that poor girl."

"You didn't know."

"Yeah but I should've. This is my company you know, as much as I can I need to ensure that my employees are safe in my care, and comfortable. This is terrible."

Jackson remains quiet when a knock comes at the door. My assistant, Macy walks in first and then Turner. She hands me the note with Sandra's number on it, and then leaves.

Turner glances at Jackson, then smirks.

"Jackson, you can leave, Mr. Burn, have a seat." Jackson glares at Turner before leaving.

Turner seemed arrogant as he removed his jacket, and placed it on the chair he was about to sit on. He was a young man, perhaps early 20s, who was hired to do one thing, manage my professional social media accounts.

It was a simple, boring task, and no where did I ever indicate that he should also harass my female employees.

"Turner, why did Jackson fire you?"

"I have no idea, Ms. Devila, if you ask me-"

"I asked you one question, and you answered it, so please, let me do the talking."

"Okay. . "

"You're familiar Ms. Mullock right?" I watch as he shifts uncomfortably under my gaze.

"Sandra? Well we work in the same space-"

"Its a yes or no question Turner," I tell him, sitting on the edge of my desk.

"What's this even about? Why am I here?"

"You're here because I'm going to sue you."

"Sue me?" He stands quickly, flexing his knuckles and I chuckle

"Yes, Sue you."

"Sue me for what?"

"For sexual harrassment Turner," I say smiling, and he looks taken aback. "What? You seem surprised."

"Exactly, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"No? Alright, just give me a second." I walk outside the office and ask Jackson to retrieve the notes, I also notice Sandra walking onto our floor.

She had her head facing the floor, a pretty yellow sundress on her, with brow sandals. Her Auburn hair was tied into a tight ponytail, and I watched as her brown eyes lifted to face me.

"M-Ms. Devila? You called me here?"

"Why didnt you tell me?" I ask her, speaking low.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean."

Ms. Devila (Prisoner 4-0-9 Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now