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name: Allura

Age: 18

Fandom: Creepypasta 

Mary sue: oh ya definenitely

Job: assassin/serial killer (told you)

Everbody, if not most everbody finds her attractive. She's perfect, cannot be killed, and if she manages to die she will be resurrected by slenderman. She is dating Eyeless Jack. She lives in Hawaii, has a great singing voice, and has flowing long blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes. She lives with the rest of the people in slendy's mansion. She hates Sally Williams with a passion because she dyed her white dresses pink. Jeff has a crush on her and Jane hates her. Her best friend is ClockWork. She goes out and kills people and never gets caught. For a fee of 100 dollars she will go out and kill somebody you do not like. She's kinda racist, says the n word even tho she's white. She's also homophobic, she doesn't think gay people should exist. Def more conservative but hates the police and is an athiest. Only reason EJ stands her is because she will everybody's life a living hell. 

She's an older OC i made. Back when i was in 5th grade. LOl looking back at her i kinda screwed up. Not to mention she still watches mlp, nothing wrong with that but yeah when somebody mentions it she gets really defensive and directly attacks them, looks and all. 

She wears a checkered trenchcoat, white tank top, and black leggings.  When she isn't wearing that she is wearing a white silk dress with lace on the hem and sleeves. It's an off the shoulder dress that reaches her knees, paired with white stilletos. She has a twin sister, Alara. Real creative. 

Do i hate her? yes. Did i like her? Yes. Is she cringe? Yeah. 

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