proof of dadmight

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Might be deku's dad. So let's think about this deku's dad is never in his life but we hear about him Never see him. Ok so let's say inko and yagi had this thing going in highschool. And then one day inko finds outs she's pregnant with yagi's baby. So to protect both inko and and izuku he had someone with a memory quirk erase her memories of him along with mitsuki's and mausuras and replace them with memories of a man who died months beforehand and made it seem like he was izuku's father instead. And then 15 years later he gives the quirk to his actual son because he knew it would be for the best because he was quirkless and he knew that izuku would be quirkless and you know that nowadays quirkless means useless in mha/bnha universe and he didn't want him to go through that any more. So yeah that's my reason.

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