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Have you ever been scared of yourself?

Because I have,

Too many times.

It all starts with this feeling,

It is like,

A big empty feeling in your stomach,

Which weights a lot.

Almost like a burden, but that ain't it.

I feel my eyes getting loose,

my arms feel light but heavy at the same time.

I feel myself getting in this kind of trans, 

a trans like I don't care.

And in my head I go psycho.

I wanna scream and cry,

trow everything around,

break things, 

I want to set myself free,

like a hungry lion that is set free.

But, I can hold myself,

I tell myself.

But I don't know how many times I can do that.

So then I am sitting on my bed,

feeling all of that,

with a straight face,

like I don't care.

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