Chapter 1: A Bittersweet Return

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A/N: I guess I should introduce the characters-
Haven Rivers - Genderfluid (uses they/them if you don't know their pronouns) bisexual
Ian Rivers - Transgender, he/him
Sierra Basille - Cis pansexual
Cassian Russel - Ace/Aro
Seren Astor - Bisexual non-binary
Deejay Sallows - Cis gay
Lilith (someone write a last name in the comments she needs it XD) - cis pansexual
And on that note, my little creations, have fun reading!
Haven stood at the door of the faded blue house that they had made so many memories at all those years ago. Their body stiffened and they fixed the position of the bag that they had slung over their shoulder.

C'mon, Haven, get it together. Your brother is alive, and this is how you act when you're standing at his goddamn door? Jesus christ.

They sighed, and looked at their hands, their fingertips tinged with black. They pulled their hand up and knocked on the door, smiling as their brother's voice rang out from inside.

"Ugh- Who the hell is it?!" The metallic sound of a knife being pulled out could be heard.

"C'mon, Ian, is that really how you greet your sibling after not seeing them for 10 years?" they chuckled softly.

They jumped as they heard the knife being thrown somewhere within the room, and the door flung open, showing Ian, in all his glory.

"Hey, Ian... It's me."

"Haven.." Ian teared up and threw his arms around them, now kneeling on the ground as he hugged them tightly.

Haven hugged back, breathing in the familiar scent of cigarettes and alcohol.

He hasn't changed a single bit, has he? I guess that's my brother for you...

"I missed you so much... C'mon, inside- You weren't being followed, were you?"

He ushered them inside, scanning the outdoors before going back in and sitting on the worn couch beside them.

"So, like, what the fuck even happened, Haven...?" He asked, looking at them with his faded purple hair in his face.

"I don't even know... I was taken by the association.. tortured mentally and physically for 8 years.. and on the run for 2.. Honestly, not something I wish to experience again..." They shuddered, having a flashback to one of the nights they were up until dawn because of pain.

"Well, that's more information than I expected... Thank you... I know you did your best, and it's honestly all I could ask for... Are you hungry? Need anything?" He was being overly worried.

"No, no, I'm fine... I'm gonna go shower really quick though.."

"I'm going to make dinner- Hey, how about I make your favorite? Chicken parm. Just like after mom and dad died."

Haven smiled gently. "That sounds great, Ian... Thank you. I'm gonna go shower now." They stood from the couch, picking up their bag from the ground and moving towards the bathroom.

They set their bag on the sink and looked in the mirror. Faded blue hair.. round face.. elastic blue shirt... grey shorts... dirt. Bruises. Scratches. And at least one definite injury.

Heh, didn't even try to clean up for your brother, did you, Haven?

They laughed to themselves and ruffled their own hair. They pulled off their shirt and looked at their binder, sighing. It was old, and definitely worn out, they would need a new one soon.

They slipped out of the rest of their clothing and turned on the shower, combing out their short hair with their fingers as the water heated up.

They jumped in and sighed as the water washed over them, it turning slightly murky as it ran down their body. They washed out their hair, humming softly to themself.

They got out after washing, and just standing there for a bit, and got dressed in the same clothing they wore. They walked out to the kitchen, sitting on one of the barstools and resting their head on the counter.

"Haven, your hair is soaked, did you even try to dry it??"

"Nope, too tired." They open one eye to look at Ian, grinning mischievously.

"Oh my god, Haven, just- please-" He sighed. "Please, just sit up."

"Fine.." They groaned and sat up, chuckling softly to themselves.

Ian shook his head. "Dumbass.."




"Okay, that was one time!" Ian growled.

Haven laughed. "Sure, it was one time, but you still tried topping and look where that got you!"

Ian sighed and shook his head, fixing Haven a plate of food. "Yeah yeah... I'm a bottom, I get it, now shut your mouth."

Haven shook their head, grinning, and began to eat after Ian set their plate in front of them. Ian ate standing up, leaning against the counter.

"We've got work to do later," Haven sighed.


"Association fuckers really have something against us, don't they?"

798 words, whoo!

The first chapter, all done, look at that! I love these characters so much, I've been working on the story for so long now and it's just- ack- ✨yes please✨ let me go on a 5-hour rant about Haven and Ian. Deejay, Sierra, Seren, and Cassian will be introduced in the next chapter!

Distant Threats (DISCONTINUED (for now))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon