Chapter 2: Reunite With Those You Love

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A/N: You'll be meeting Gay Whore, Soft Top, Mad Scientist, and Vampire Man in the next chapter. You'll figure out who I was referring to by each nickname- Also, finally, slight drama- Fuck yeah! Have fun reading, my little creations!


Haven shook their head, grinning, and began to eat after Ian set their plate in front of them. Ian ate standing up, leaning against the counter.

"We've got work to do later," Haven sighed.


"Association fuckers really have something against us, don't they?"

"Yeah, they do. Ever since we got outta there, I've been kill on sight, and you've been capture for interrogation."

"Yeah... I know.." Haven sighed, looking down. "I'll take care of dinner. It's the least I can do."

Ian nodded. "Just put food away, and the dishes in the sink, and we'll do what we have to do, and then we can do the dishes."

"Alright.." Haven sighed, resting a hand on their waist, where their knife was hidden.

They then stood, and put the rest of dinner into Tupperware containers, as Ian went into his room, grabbing his pistol.

By the time Ian had what he needed, Haven had finished putting dinner away, standing near the door with their arms crossed over their chest.

"You coming, bastard?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming, calm your ass, Haven-" Ian chuckled, flicking Haven's forehead.

They rolled their eyes. Being the smaller one out of the two siblings, they were always picked on by Ian's friends for it.

They opened the door for Ian, and he walked out, giving a confident smirk. Haven followed him close behind, keeping a close eye on their surroundings. They soon managed to scale a building and was hopping buildings as Ian walked along the road.

"Aah, to be young and agile again." Ian laughed.

"We are four years apart, Ian, shut your whore mouth."

"For starters, I want you to know that that isn't an insult to me in any way, and secondly, yeah, somehow within those four years I got less agile than you, fuck off."

Haven sighed and jumped another building. "Alright fucker, get your ass up here, we're coming up on the building."

"I'm coming, I'm coming-" Ian scaled the building, scanning the perimeter one last time before running ahead.

"Hey! Goddamnit, Ian-!" Haven ran to catch up, falling behind because of their tiny legs.

Ian laughed, now on top of the Association base for the city.


"Says the tall jackass with long legs!" Haven panted, only now catching up with their older brother.

Ian ruffled their hair, chuckling. They grumbled and fixed their hair, glaring at him, before taking out their knife, and leading Ian to an empty room, leaning down and listening to a conversation below.

Haven whispered. "I don't know how much we're going to be able to hear.."

Ian nodded.

The conversation was broken, barely audible.

"The girls.. bastards... most wanted... kill on sight.."

Ian growled. "Damn wooden floors.."

Haven stood. "We didn't get anything out of this.. let's just go home." They started walking back, and Ian followed. They walked about, say, a block before Haven started running.

"C'mon, race ya!"

Ian followed for another block and a half before stopping, and doubling over. Haven ran over to him.

"Ian! Are you okay??"

"Y-yeah- I've just been binding a bit differently lately-"

"And what has that 'differently' been...?" Haven asked, definitely worried about their brother.

"That's not important- I'll be fine in a minute, Haven.."

"Lean on me, I'll help you. We can't be staying out in the open like this and you know it.."

Ian did do with a sigh, Haven helping him back to his house, where he immediately went to his bedroom, shutting the door, and pulling off his shirt.

Lately, his binder had been a bit more stretched out than he would have liked, and had started using ace bandages over it. He started to unwrap the bandages, wincing a bit.

"Shit- Haven's gonna kill me-" He muttered to himself.

Haven knocked on the door out of worry. "Ian? Can I come in...?"

Ian jumped a little and frantically hid the ace bandage. "Uh- one moment!"

Haven stood at the door while Ian scrambled for a hoodie. He pulled it on, then opened the door.

"Yes, Haven?"

"Are you alright? I mean- From earlier..?"

"Yes, of course, I don't know why you're asking." He rubbed at his neck nervously.

"....I better find somewhere to stay for the night...." They sighed, and shoved their hands in their pockets.

"You can stay here, Haven. I'm not letting you go out on your own, it's way too dangerous for you to be walking around in the city," Ian muttered.

"Alright, do you still have the extra blankets in the closet?" They gestured to the closet, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I do. Need help?"

"Nope!" They laughed, pulling a few blankets from the closet, trying to walk back to Ian, only to trip over them. "SHIT-"

Ian laughed and went over to them, crouching down and pulling a blanket off their face. "You good there, little sibling?"

"I am fine."

"Need help?"


Ian laughed, and pulled most of the blankets away from them, setting them on the floor by his bed.

"Is right here okay?"

"Yeah, I can set up right here," They said, a smile in their voice.

Ian set down the blankets, and Haven spread them out. He sat down on his bed, wincing. Haven made a mental note of this, finishing up spreading out the blankets on the floor.

"Ian, are you alright?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I saw you wince..." Haven's eyebrows furrowed, worried about their older brother.

"I'm fine, Haven." Ian's voice was a bit sharper than it had been this past while.

"You're a damn liar, Ian, it was important, how have you been binding, Ian?" Haven crossed their arms over their chest, raising an eyebrow.

"My binder has been more stretched out than i've would have liked.... I've been putting ace bandages over it..."

Haven sighed. "How bad is it?"

"It's just bruises, mostly.. It didn't break my ribs or anything, I swear I'm fine.." He hung his head.

"I'm taking you to buy a few binders tomorrow. And some pain medication. Don't fight me, you need this."

WC: 1052

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