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Everyone knew you where Kirari's girlfriend.They never dared to go near you.You where treated like royalty in the school.Everyone knew you however ,Kirari was not very found of you having friends. You where hers and hers only. She called you princess as you called her kiri sometimes or
                 S h a w t y  k i r a r i (THAT WAS A JOKE IM SORRY)

Kirari was very possessive over you,she hated sharing with you and any boy who tried to Touch you,Hurt you,Kirari gave them a life plan making it miserable as possible for them.She loved you so much and was never afraid to show it.Anyone who ever hurted you she got revenge on.You two where the loving couple of the school.Kirari adored you and everything you did.You mostly spent time with her at her office,sometimes gambling,doing homework,and simply enjoying each other's company.

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