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Few days are okay.

Some days are fine.

Most days I want to die half the time.

Why am I so empty?

Am I as happy as I seem?

I scream and cry and shout but it doesn't mean a thing.

I know I have a purpose and I know I have cause...

But I just don't believe it, whenever I try, I fall.

So what if I hide within the confines of my room to escape the reality I'm forced to be in?

I don't care if I'm reclusive, I'd rather be that than abusive.

Just leave me alone...

This house no longer feels like home.

So leave me to suffer, I won't ask for your help, you'll tell me anyway that I'm a liar and doomed to hell.

I need someone to hold me, just let me not exist...

Why do I try?

Why do I persist?

Few days are okay.

Some days are fine.

Most days... I truly want to die half the time.

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