sorry doesn't fix it (r.k & e.h) pt 1

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robert keating/elijah hewson x oc part 1

"why don't you just fuck right off then?!" rob yells. i stand, frozen, in front of him.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean that." he says, but it's too late. i'm crying already. i turn on my heels, grab my keys and jacket and head to my car. i drive around a bit before pulling into the asda parking lot to call eli. eli have been best friends since we were born, as our mums are also friends.
"hey orla, what's up?" eli says, picking up after the first ring.
"rob and i have just had a massive fight & i'm sat in the asda parking lot, in my car, crying." i explain briefly.
"what happened? actually wait you come here, my mum's been dying to see you anyways." he says.
"i don't wanna be a bother.." i trail off.
"no no, you come here. no use sleeping at asda tonight." eli assures me.
"fine i'll be there in like 15 minutes." i say.
"alright, bye." eli hangs up.
untitled by interpol starts playing, and i cry harder cuz it was the first song rob and i danced to at a party in like year 11. after that, we were so grossed out at each other, we didn't speak for almost 2 years. i wipe my tears away as i pull into eli's driveway. i grab my jacket and walk up to the door where ali greets me.
"darl, come in, i've already put a pot on. eli's downstairs." she hugs me.
"okay, thank you ali." i smile weakly.
i walk downstairs and plop down on the couch.
"so what happened?" eli asks.
"rob was in the shower, and his phone kept ringing, so i looked to see if it was his mum or anythin, but it was that lass called lyla. i answered, and she's like 'omg rob what took you so long to answer?'" i start, and eli just nods, listening to me.
"so i said 'uh, lyla why are you calling rob's phone? this is his girlfriend orla, the girl you bullied in high school.' y'know? and then she said 'robert said orla was his cousin?' so i immediately hung up, and i waited for him to come out. when i asked him about it he got all defensive and said that i shouldn't be looking through his phone, then he told me to just fuck off." i explain, starting to cry.
eli just stares at me, and i know that stare means he's pissed.
"why the fuck would he do that?! argh i'm going to beat he shit out of him." he stands up and starts pacing the room.
"bringing down the tea!" ali calls as she walks down the stairs.
she gives eli a look when she sees him pacing, and then she looks at my blotchy face.
"right what's happened you two?" she sits down.
"robert's cheated on her with a lass who bullied orla in high school." eli says, throwing himself onto the couch.
"orla darl, i'm sorry. i can't imagine how you feel. how did you find out if you don't mind me asking?" ali asks.
"she called his phone while he was in the shower." i explain. eli's phone starts ringing.
"it's ryan." he says, answering.

"mate, what the hell's happened?" ryan asks.
"rob's cheated on orla with lyla." i explain bluntly.
"with lyla buchanan?"
"yeah, with lyla fucking buchanan. why? howd you find out?" i ask, walking upstairs to finish the conversation.
"he called and told me that him and orla were in a fight and stuff but never explained what happened." ryan explains.
"what're we gonna do now? orla's got nowhere to go, and i'm not leaving her to sleep in her car, and we've got the fact of rob in the band. they're both my best friends but i need to be there for her." i ramble, stressed.
"eli, mate it's gonna be alright. josh and i will sort rob out, you help orla, i know how much she means to ya." ryan assures me.
"alright we'll talk later then." i say.
"okay bye." and the call disconnects.
i'm only 34 minutes older then orla but she's like my little sister & my best friend. we've not gone longer then 3 days without seeing each other, we go on holidays together, she comes with us on tour since she works from home, the only time i didn't see her was when she was sick with bronchitis & my mum wouldn't let me see her because of my asthma.
my mum's trying to comfort her because she's really upset, which she has every right because her and rob have been dating for 2 years now.
"i can't believe he would do that?" she says as i grab my guitar.
"let's play some songs, maybe it'll help?" i suggest. she nods in agreement and my mum goes back upstairs.
we play for like an hour, then we go upstairs and put on pulp fiction. i'm just trying to keep her distracted so she doesn't get sad. it breaks my heart seeing her like this, and she's not her mum to go to, and her dad's disowned her. she literally only has my family & the lads.
we're about half way through the movie, and i look down at orla, who i see is sleeping. i pick her up and carry her to the spare room, and put her down on the bed and pull a blanket over her.
"night orla." i say, closing the door.

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