Part 5- Bellarosa

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             It had been almost three hours and we were still in this fucking car. The ride was nice enough but I really need to pee right now, I don't want to seem like a baby that can't control her bladder though because it seems like Axel just wants to get there as quick as possible. Before we left he let me fix up his face to the best of my abilities, so he has a bandage like thingy holding the cut on his nose together and it stopped bleeding. Alot of people are going to question what is wrong with us since we are both bruised although if they looked at us they would think I won since I only have the small bruise from his dad. The side of my face is a little bit swollen from his dad but I guess it was karma. I really don't know what took over me when I punched Axel. I mean don't get me wrong I really liked it but I didn't need to punch him and he didn't really deserve it. He has proven to be a little bit unfair but he's keeping his promise of not punishing me even when I kind of deserve it, and he sorta tried to protect me from his dad. Also he doesn't want this just as much as I dont want this and he didnt really do anything to deserve the beating I gave him besides for that first car ride we had together, but I forgave him for that. So I'm really confused as to why I punched him.

           "Hey Rosa do you need to go to the bathroom because this is the last stop before we get off the highway?" Axel asks but I'm not interested in the question he asked me although I do need to pee.

           "Why did you start calling me Rosa everyone calls me Bella." I ask confused.

           "Well it'll be our special thing." He says with a smirk on his face.

            "Well then it would only be fair if I get to call you Ax instead of Axel." I say teasing at him.

            "Well you won't ever even get to call me Axel let alone Ax. It will always be master or sir, and maybe...daddy. If your so inclined." He says teasing me but when he says daddy I want to puke.

           "I'll gladly say anything besides daddy" I respond.

            "Awe I was hoping you'd pick daddy because then that would also be our special thing." I revolt and making fake puking noises.

            The conversation dies and I turn to look out the window and I see the rest area pass us and it's like my bladder attacks me all of a sudden, making me remember I need to pee.

              "Umm I need to pee." I say a little sheepishly.

               "Are you kidding me we just passed the last exit and I'm not going out of my way to find you a fucking bathroom. You just gotta hold it."

               "But I really need to go." I whine.

                "You should've thought of that before I passed the rest stop." He says obviously annoyed at me.

                 "Well it's your fault for calling me Rosa." I say sliding down into my seat pouting.

                 "Pouting is going to get you absolutely no where. No you deal with the consequences of not speaking up and hold it for 45 more minutes."

                 "I'm going to pee all over your seats do you really want that." I state getting annoyed now too.

                  "Then you will be the one paying for new seats and cleaning the old ones." He says clutching onto the steering wheel harder.

                  "Whatever just fucking drive faster and don't hit any bumps." I say with he same stern tone he uses with me when he wants something done.

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