The Not-So-Great Escape

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Rachel's POV

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Rachel's POV

Me and Jackson went down stairs with our Science projects which were volcanos "I'm exhausted I was up all night erupting my volcano" Jackson said as I started laughing

"Whoa dude TMI" Stephanie said grossed out

Then Ramona walked into the kitchen me and her are actually getting along fine now she's pretty cool "Mom please don't make me go to this new school I'm so lonely there it's worse than the time you left me at the ball pit in McDonald's" Ramona said

"I didn't leave you I forgot you" Kimmy said "do I have to go to this new school i've been there five whole days and I still have not made a single friend there's something wrong with that place according to every online personality quiz I score between likable and very likable" Ramona said

"Well you have two friends there Jackson and Rachel you guys are friends right" Dj said Ramona then points at me and says yep then Jackson and Ramona both look at each other and say "ehhhh"

"Kimmy I have to get to work you've got Tommy today" Dj said as me Jackson and Ramona went to sit down to eat

Then Max ran in the kitchen yelling it's puppy day it's puppy day.

"Max take it easy" Dj said "no take it easy take it crazy" Max said "why are you dressed like a boy preacher" I said "i'm going to pick out one of comet Jr. Jr. new puppies plus I like looking snazzy" Max said


Then me and Jackson were walking with some of our friends at school and we went over to Ramona "hi Ramona" I said while sitting next to her "what's up" Jackson then said "I'm fake texting so I don't look like a loser" Ramona said

"Here comes this girl I kinda like you should say hi to her" Jackson said "hey" me and Ramona said "hey" she said back in a I don't care tone which I thought was pretty rude 

"You know I thought that went really well" Jackson said "she barely acknowledged us" I said "I want to hang out with my real friends at my real school I gotta get out of here" Ramona said

"I can make that happen l'll bust you right out of here" Jackson said "Really that would be awesome but this place is like Alcatraz how are you going to get me out" Ramona said " don't let this pretty face fool you" Jackson said while smirking "no one would let that fool them" I said while laughing then Jackson punched my arm


Then we got into class and Ramona came over "So am I going through the air ducts am i tunneling out what's the plan" Ramona said "listen to me very carefully when I say go you climb out the window" Jackson said "don't worry Ramona I tried to convince him to do something better but this was his idea" I said

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