Mad Max

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Rachel's POV

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Rachel's POV

Me and Kimmy we're sitting on the couch putting together DJs dating profile.

Then DJ came through the door "As I predicted I am walking, house-training, and cleaning up after Max's dog" she as she went to go on to tell the dog how cute he was and to throw the ball for Cosmo

"Congratulations DJ we put your dating profile online half half an hour ago and you already have 32 pokes 42 winks and a love letter from a guy in San Quentin" Kimmy said "he wants a date in 3 to 5 years" I said

"I told you guys I'm not interested in online dating Steve asked me out and if I'm not ready to date my first love why would I go out with a total stranger" DJ said

"You know my motto the stranger the better" Kimmy said as I giggled

"oh hey you're getting a lot of action here on" I said "what did you guys write on my profile what i'm a neurosurgeon a neurosurgeon who's also a Victoria's Secret model" Dj said looking at us

"sorry but when you go fishing you want the smartest most scantily-clad bait" Kimmy said "and that's my yearbook photo with big photo shopped knockers" Dj said looking flabbergasted

"actually those are Channing Tatum's butt cheeks that's why they look so squeezable" Kimmy said I was laughing up a storm


Jackson and Me were hanging out in the living room and the doorbell rang it was Stephanie's old friend we went to go tell her in the kitchen.

"You have a visitor she English and she's hot" Jackson said I rolled my eyes but also laughed at the same time

"you are an observant young man" The girl said then went to hug Stephanie

"oh my God Shannon what are you doing here" Stephanie said happily as me and Jackson exited the kitchen

I heard Shannon say Coachella and I ran right back into the kitchen

"Coachella I've always wanted to go can I goooo Please" I said to Stephanie and Shannon

"oh we have a party girl here" Shannon said as I gave her a thumbs up

"I'm sorry Rachel you're just a little bit young to be running around Coachella right now maybe in a few years me and Shannon can bring you" Stephanie said looking sad "Ok it's fine I will start planning our trip for like 3 years from now" as I said leaving the kitchen


Me and Jackson were sitting at his desk while he was fixing a skateboard.

"Do you know where aunt Stephanie is" Max asked "she's out of town" Jackson answered "what" Max screamed "She has my super magic scarf my recital is tonight I am about to freak out" he said starting to scream loudly then Jackson try to calm down his brother

"Take a deep breath now let it out slowly" Jackson said "you feel better now right" I asked "that did nothing status update I'm doomed" Max said

"Max, Max, listen whenever your nervous on stage picture the whole entire audience in their underwear" Max said "yeah are you nuts" I said with Max

"Hit the lights on your way out" Max said "trust me it works when I ran for class treasurer I had to make a speech in front of the whole entire school" Jackson said

"but you lost to Rachel" Max said "Yeah that's because I was imagining all the girls in there underwear then I forgot my whole speech" Jackson said I elbowed him "ewww" I said


Then we were at Max's recital "Your next buddy Jackson, Rachel, and I will be cheering you on" DJ said "No you won't i'm not going out there mom" Max said " I need my super magic scarf but aunt Stephanie took it" Max finished "she took your super magic scarf" DJ said

"What happened to the gross underwear trick" I said "it didn't work my puppy was cute but that crowd full of wrinkly old people" Max said me and Jackson went to look and he just made a disgusted sound

"You're right that's a lot of granny panties" I said and Max agreed

Then DJ called Stephanie.

"Deej, what'a going on I'm kinda busy is everything Ok" Stephanie said through the phone

"no it's not you took Max is super magic scarf" DJ said "what magic scarf" Stephanie questioned "thr one you're wearing" I said popping in the call

"Ugh I am an idiot put him on" Stephanie said

Then Stephanie started talking to Max.

Then Max started playing his instrument with Stephanie she had put him on the big screen at Coachella which I thought was awesome.

"give it up for Max" Stephanie said and they all Started clapping for him

Then Max had his recital he did amazing I thought it was really good.


Then we walked into Tommy's room to see Stephanie back so we went and hugged her.

"Why are you crying" Max said "gosh I am just really sad that I missed your first recital" Stephanie said

"Well cheer up mom has it on her phone you can watch it over and over and over again" Max said "good I love you guys come on bring it in" Steph said
Then we all hugged

Then Kimmy walked in "just in time" then she got in the hug

"how was your coffee with the plumber" DJ asked "oh it was great Hank lives on the water in Sausalito in a cute little uhhh what do you call it" she said "houseboat" Max said

Then she started making these chicken noises which were really funny.

Then we all said boxcar which was the word to get her to stop acting like a chicken.

"good night everybody" Kimmy said
Then we all started laughing.


Hiii I'm soooooo sorry I have not posted I will try to post more often. Should I bring her sister Katy into the story? Like maybe Rachel can have like a girls day or something with her. Thank you sooo much for the reads also!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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