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People people listen that girl on the ^top or on the side> is who is play Jason. But just know she is only using the body not the personality.
"Why do I and everyone I love choose people that treat them like crap?"


I stood in the bathroom door way leaning against the frame while Kasey talked and talked about something that I wasnt listening to. All I could think of was the boys. How they played. How Lewis played his drums chewing his gum. Jake how he loses his self in the music and sometimes would squeeze his eyes shut. Charlie how he moved and sang. Danny how he glided his fringers over the keybored how he didnt really look at anyone. It was a great night and im glad that my headache is gone after eatting some pancakes eggs and baccon with a cup of oj and of course a pill to take away the pain. As I start to listen in Kasey asks me what am I doing today.

"Just going to play and then I guess going home no one is there" I shrug

"Okay ill pick you up in like two hours is that okay"

"Yeah but for what" I raise an eyebrow

"To check at the place duh Jas god you have to listen sometimes"  she smiles

I nod and look down at my phone. It was currently 1:35pm

"Can we leave at like two because the streets wont be busy" I ask

"Yeah now get dressed"

I throw ny hands in the air and point at her making a weird face

"Dont tell me what to do Kas or ill tickle you" I worn

"I can do what i want my house my rules" she shrugs

I stand up straight and place my phone on the counter. She pays no attention to me as she searches for something. I walk towards the shower and start it but turn as i hear leave the bathroom. I rush to follow her as she stands by her bed. In a fast motion i tackle her to the bed and start to tickle her everywhere I can get. Kaseys hands fly up griping ny arms as laughs and pleads of me to stop leave her mouth. I push my hands down her sides and start to tickle her making her eyes go wide and her legs to kick along with her squirming body.

"Please Jason" she gasp

"You sorry"

"Never" she yells

I push my fingers deeper into her skin and her hands reach to grip my hair. She pulls down and gasps as i fall down on top of her.  My fingers still moving against her as she grips my hair tighter. Kasey's legs wrap around me as she pleads me to stop.

"Are you sorry

I say moving my hands up a little to her most tickles spot. She squeezes her legs tighter around me and grips my hair tighter making me hiss and her to scream louder mixing with the laughs she was giving.

"Yes yes god god okay okay please stop im sorry" she says

I slowly stop moving my fingers and then drop them to the side. Kasey breathing is hard and her grip on me still is tight as hell.

"Kasey I need you to let me go" I say

"No no give me time" she breaths in

After Kasey letting me go and showering. I stood here in the bathroom blow drying my hair. It was getting closer to two but i could be done by time. As i finish blow drying my hair I walk out to grab my clothes. I grab a baggy sweater that said You cant love someone if you cant love yourself.  I slipped that and my undergarments on along with my knee high socks vans and a pair of shorts. I applied my make up then thew my beanie on. Kasey had slipped on Sam smith shirt, black skinnies, vans, and a white zip up to go along with her shirt. As I grabbed my things she smiled at me and then we were on our way to the theater and her to her job interview.  Once we came to a stop Kasey turns to me and smiles a goffy smile.

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