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A petite lady stood besides Lee, Who laughed at something she said, a wholesome sound. The lady had to be in her early 20s. She had blue eyes, like Lee's without the green, Lee's eyes met mine, He smiled at me, The Lady turned so she was facing me.

"Hello, I am Lilia. Liam's Sister.", she said warmly, approaching me.

Panic crowded my thoughts as she looked at me, expecting a name.

"Hey, I am Nia Shay.", I replied. I had no idea how my voice sounded calm, it did.

Lilia shared a look with Lee that told me enough, She knew very well who I was. I was the girl who didn't say it back.

"I know who you are then, I am going to excuse myself.", she said sweetly, she had dark hair just like lee's. I waved to her as she walked away.

The similarities between lee and Lilia were striking, a bit haunting even.

"Lilia? One would have thought you were her brother.", I joked, turning to Lee. He chuckled, he was really happy.

"My parents had a thing for Ls, our family dog's name is Litchi.", He said. "I'm not even joking,"

I turned to him, I needed to know if the kiss meant anything to him. His eyebrows cocked up as his eyes questioned me.

"I need to talk."

"You do know that, the last time you wanted to talk, we kissed, right?", He said in mock seriousness.

I winced.

"I agreed on going on a date with a friend,", I began, His face noticeably faltered, I wish I could take my words back. "I am going out on Saturday, I kind of had to clarify something,"

"Shoot.", his voice was silent, it made me nervous.

"Did the kiss mean anything?", I asked, and I wanted a answer.



What did she mean? Did it mean anything? Of course it did, I knew that she thought of me as a relatively cocky person, but I did mean what I did, It was special even for me, And I wanted her for myself.

"You think I'd be standing here, talking to you, trying to hide my utter disappointment, If it didn't mean anything, I'd be avoiding you, like a perfect fuckboy, that you think I am,", I uttered, her already sad face dropped, I wish I could comfort her, but I myself was too hurt.

"No, That's not it, I didn't mean it, What I meant was if you still liked me, Its just That I am a normal person, you are famous, insecurities are just a part of it, I am sorry.", she said all too fast.

I caught It though, Insecurities.

"You have no comparison,Nia" I said softly before heading down,

I was too upset to see her upset, yes, I was famous, but my heart had never clenched so much, it almost hurt physically, My brain flashed back to when I found out Martha was cheating on me.

"You were always away, Always surrounded from gorgeous girls, The jealousy was too much, He was there for me, I am sorry.", she said.

It had made me realise for the first time, I let her go, I made her go. Realisation struck me, Nia will fall for the boy, She'll have him around all the time, scold him if he looks at another girls ass. Normal.

I wanted her, I didn't want to make her go. I shouldn't. I couldn't.

"You know, Nia likes you. Whether she says it or not.", Pete's voice sounded from behind.

I nodded.

"I might have eavesdropped Lee.", he says guiltily. But I don't even mind.

"You should talk to her, I'm sure she didn't mean it.",He suggested quietly. I looked at him. I realised What he was doing here. He was helping me, A wave of guilt washed over me, I could have helped Nicole cheat on Peter, My bestfriend, for only bodily pleasures, It was so not worth it.

"I am sorry.", I said to him, I hadn't even apologised to him about the whole Fiasco, I had gone and ignored him, forgotten the brother code we made in high school, We will never fight about or In front of girls, Ladies, women.

Pete's eyes shone with understanding, he nodded and then grinned.

"She's changing you, Lee. I like it.", he said sipping from his soda, I knew that. I wanted that.

I wanted her.



What will Lee do? But wait cadence is no child, he's gonna knock your shoes right out. Lemme know if you like it,

I am also, really happy so, maybe you'll get another kiss, you never know.


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