Bad Boy Mysteries and Changes

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Image of Brandon Alexander

Chapter 4

I stayed over America's house until 6 am because I needed to get ready for school. I drove her to school.

"Lace who needs boys I'll be different." She said.

It took me awhile to realize what she meant.

"Meri you're not a lesbian. We can find you another boyfriend ok."

"No I'm done with boys because all they do is break hearts." She sobbed.

I've heard of scared straight before but never scared gay.

"Meri you're straight there is no way to change the way you are."

"No Lace this is my decision. Just please support me and don't judge me."

"Ok Meri."

She's joking. Atlease I think she is. She's been boy crazy for years so I'm going to do her a favor and find her another boyfriend. America is just heart broken and this isn't the first time she has said something like this. I just hope she doesn't tell anyone else because someone might actually believe her and judge her. She's way too sensitive and overreacts to almost everything. It's almost impossible to change that quickly. Right now I was talking to Kevin so I can stop worrying and America.

"Hey Teacup." He greeted.

"Hey Kevin. What happened?" I asked noticing the scar on his cheek.

"Well I was in a fight and my friend beat me up." He said unconvincingly.

He had to be lying because he's never lost a fight. I knew he was mysterious but why?

"You know you can trust me right?"

"Look Lacy I'm already not a good influence. Learning about my past will only scare you away." He implied.

So he basically just admitted he didn't get beat up. Atlease not by a friend. This was something about his past and I guess it's scarring him for life. Literately.

"Kevin you could never scare me away. You're not scary." I implied.

"Oh really." He smiled.


"So I didn't scare you when you were riding on my motorcycle for the very first time."

"You didn't scare me. The motorcycle did." I giggled.

"That doesn't make me any less scary." He said.

"Sure it doesn't softy."

"Want me to walk you to class?" He asked.

"Actually not today. I have to talk to America." I replied.

"Ok." He said walking away.

"But there is one thing you can do for me." I added


"Do you have any single friends for my best friend to date?"

"Females?" He asked

Oh no did he know about it too?

"No. More like males."

"Yeah I know a guy. His name's Josh Reed."

"Does he go to this school?"


"Bring him to our table at lunch."



I was counting down the minutes for the bell to ring. I needed to help America because she shouldn't change because of a disrespectful boy. If anything he should change. I was instantly snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. I practically flew out of the classroom. I was amazed at how fast I could run with so many books bringing me down. While I was running down the hallway Kevin stopped me.

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