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"Make me dinner you wretched boy." He growled at me, shoving me towards the kitchen counters. "I expect it to be done in an hour, you know what I like."

"Yes sir." I moved quickly to get out all of the ingredients. I made him a simple spaghetti meal with, of course, a six pack of beer. I had managed to sneak it from the convenient store without too much trouble during my lunch break. My lunch period was the only time that I had to get him his beloved beer, but I hated taking the chance of people finding it in my backpack.

I had no choice but to do it though, it was my survival I suppose one could say. I placed his meal onto the table and and grabbed a beer can. I went into the living room where he was sitting watching some weird movie about hookers. A sight that was not surprising.

"Dinner is ready sir." I held out the can, which he took immediately.

"Good, I was starting to get hungry." He paused to take a rather large gulp. "Go to your room and I'll call you down when I'm ready for you to clean up. Right now I'm just sick of your disgusting face." I did as he wished and ran up the stair. I made sure my door was shut before rushing over to my closet and opening it to reveal my secret stash of food.

It was from the nice old lady that lives next door who I assumed suspecting something wrong. She had told me to keep it for myself and to make sure he didn't see it. I was thankful for it, not being able to get food from here without him noticing it. I pulled out a sandwich and quickly hid the bag away again. I unwrapped the sandwich and downed it, getting full almost immediately due to the lack food that I had become accustomed to.

I made sure my room was in order and sat on my windowsill bench. It was calming to watch everyone out and about. They all seemed to be going somewhere in their lives and I hoped that they appreciated that freedom.

"Zeidon!" He screamed up the stairs, making me nearly fall to the floor. I ran with all my might to the living room where he was already sat.

"Sir." I said, waiting for him to tell me what he wanted me to do.

"Clean the kitchen, there appears to be some bottles broken." His tone sounded calm. Almost eerily calm. I had a feeling it would just be the calm before the storm.

~ Next Morning ~

I opened my eyes to find myself facing the wall. My body hurt and it was hard to get myself sat up. Once I did, I noticed the blood. There was so much covered my hands and clothes. I looked at the time, not wanting to take the time to clean myself up if it meant making his breakfast late.

I got everything for him set up after I washed my hands to be sure that my blood wasn't what got me in trouble again. I went up to my room and set out some more baggy clothes and stepped into the shower. It was a pain washing off dried blood and the constant stinging of the soap was making it anything but relaxing. I got out quickly and got dressed before turning to face myself in my large but cracked mirror. I had a few new cuts and several new bruises, not surprising.

I didn't even attempt to cover them up so I just brushed my shaggy hair over some of them. It was a risk but coverup never worked well with cuts and only seemed to make them bleed more.

I was irritated that I couldn't exactly place the events that had occurred the night before.


I sighed, another day of living the same old way.

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