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I stared blankly at the teacher who was glaring at me. She had asked me a question and was obviously getting annoyed at my refusal to speak. I wasn't willing to break the rules for anyone due to the consequences of him finding out. Certainly couldn't tell anyone else about that though.

"Just answer the question so we can move on." Mrs. Henderson snapped at me, to which I just tugged my sleeves down more. Luckily she was far enough away so she couldn't see my face clearly. I was at the back of the room and my hair was a rather large help. I shook my head in slight annoyance. She started stomping my way, reminding me of him which made my eyes widen in fear.

She stopped, almost stumbling as I watched her take in my countless bruises and cuts. She couldn't see this. I could just go home and cover it all up and deny. I had to leave. I yanked up my hood, thankful that it covered my face. I rushed out of the room and to my locker, being sure to be quiet so no one noticed me. He would be mad that I had left school earlier so I decided to go get some extra beer to lessen the punishment.

I reached the convenient store rather quickly, my fear pushing me along. I walked straight passed the checkout lady, ignoring her pleasant hello. I was sneaky, I made sure my face was covered and my back was to every camera. I made sure that I was quiet and quick and that I got the job done properly. I gave the lady a half smile on my way out so she wouldn't suspect anything before heading back home. Not that it was really a home at all.


"You weren't at the school." He paused. "You made me look like a petty fool, asking if anyone had seen you. But that's when I realized that no one knew who you were. No one even knew your name once I mentioned it. I have to admit you've done a good job keeping yourself excluded boy."

"I got you extra beer sir."

"Good boy," I reached out and handed him what I know he wanted most.

"Now go get the bat."


After my punishment I was sat in my room with my journal and extra papers and some stashed money spread about. I had done some research on trains and cabs and pricing. Leaving was something that I had always dreamed about doing. Even with my money from all those late night grocery trips, I couldn't fully bring myself to do it. You see, I had taken a just a bit from the amount that he gave me each time. Luckily he never noticed.

The papers around me were print outs from various train and cab websites that stated schedules and pricing. I had a routine, every night I would write and then go over possible future plans, kinda pathetic of me really. I never had the guts to actually go through with any of it though. If he were to find me after a possible escape, it would just make everything so much worse.

I feared disappearing and yet I feared sticking around to see what I would become if I didn't.

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