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"So we should start looking for names" Sam say as I play with his hair "Ok yea, do you have anything in mind" I ask him "Hmm I was thinking Delilah" he says looking up at me "That's a wonderful name" I say kissing his head "So Delilah" he says sitting up "Yes that's a perfect name" I say pulling him into my lap he snuggles his head into my neck making me smile he then groans holding his stomach

"Hey you ok" I ask pulling his small frame away from me "Yea I just keep cramping, I'll be fine" he says kissing me "Are you sure" I question "Yea I'm ok" he gives me a reassuring smile "Ok let's get to bed baby" I say softly "M'kay" he yawns making me chuckle we lay down Sam cuddled into my side, I kiss the top of his head "Good night baby I love you" I whisper "Night love you too" he mumbles, not even a minutes later he fell asleep he must have been tired, I close my eyes falling asleep as well


I wake up rolling over expecting to see Sam but he wasn't there, I got up walking downstairs to see Devyn Tara and Sam once they saw me they stopped talking, they all looked upset especially Sam he looked very hurt "Hey baby" I say kissing his head "Hi" he smiles "Hey guys" I wave to them they wave back "Is everything ok" I ask, I watch as Sam tenses up then relaxes "Up everything is fine" he jumped up giving me a passionate kiss I smile into the kiss wrapping my arms around his waist pulling him closer

I hear a cough and Sam pulls away "Sorry" I say to Devyn and Tara "No it's ok" they say in sync making us laugh I look over at Sam to see his hands over his stomach "Are you still hurting baby" I take his hands in mine "Yea a little" he says kissing me once again "Ok if your still hurting tomorrow I'm taking you in, his face drops "There's no need for that" he says pulling his hands away from mine and walking upstairs

"Is he ok" I ask sitting in front of the girls "Yea I think he just woke up on the wrong side of bed" Devyn says while Tara agrees "So you think I should go up to him" I questions they both nod there heads rapidly, what was wrong with them, I just shook my head getting up and walking to my room "Sam" I say opening my door he wasn't in there weird I went to his door in knocked

"Sam you in there" I say then I hear a faint "Come in" I twist the nob to see Sam sitting on his bed in the corner "Are you ok" I ask "Colbs I'm fine don't worry about me, I'm just really tired" he told me, I could tell he was lying but I didn't want to push it and him get mad at me "Ok, if you say so" I say sitting next to him "Can we cuddle" he asks looking up at me with pleading eyes "You don't have to ask love" I chuckle I lay down and he crawls in between my legs laying down I start to play with his hair

"I love you" I say "I love you more" he says with a yawn his eyes close and then soft snores escape my husband, My eyes start to grow heavy so I just close them and fell asleep


Get ready

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