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I hear someone close the door I look, Colby was gone the babies were crying, I smile knowing he's with them I check the time it was 3:26, I get up going to the babies room, then I hear singing Colby was singing to the babies I smile and watch him rock them to sleep while singing

Come stop your crying it will be alright just take my hand hold it tight I will protect you from all around I will be here don't you cry
for one so small, you seem so strong my arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm this bond between us can't be broken I will be here don't you cry 'cause you'll be in my heart yes, you'll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more

He sang "You sing good" I whisper he turns around with a scared expression "Fuck sam you scared me" he chuckles making me giggle "sorry" I say I look into the babies cribs seeing them sleeping I smile and hug Colby "I love you so much" he says kissing my head "I love you too" I close my eyes "Come one let's go back to bed" he picks me up I snuggle my head into the crotch of his neck, we lay down "Colbs" I said "Yes love" he speaks "Can you sing me a lullaby" I giggle "Of course" he chuckled and starts singing


"Hi Jackson hi Elizabeth" I say walking into the room, as I was getting their food ready I felt someone's eyes burning into the back for my head I turn around and see Sam "Hey baby" I say "Hi" he responds then he starts coughing(making Sam sick cus I'm sick😹) "You ok there" I ask "Yea just woke up feeling a little off" he said followed by another cough I went up to him, and put my hand up to his head I gasp "Sam you burning up" I whisper he groans "go lay down I'll be there in a bit" I told him he nods and goes back to our room "Devyn Tara" I call they came running into the room "Yes" they says in sync "Can you please catch the babies I think Sam caught the flu" I say "Of course" Devyn says "Thank you guys" they gave me a soft smile then I went back to Sam and I's shared room


Sorry this is short I got sick, and had to get tested for COVID, but I'll try to update more.

The End(Solby)•completed•Where stories live. Discover now