Day 37 - Pancake Pals

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Adam woke up to the sound of pots clashing together. Perhaps one of the dogs got into the bottom cupboards again. He quickly got up and walked downstairs, feeling exhausted from being waken at an early hour. When he got to the kitchen he found his blond friend, ho had spilt all the pots on the floor.

"Sorry, I just wanted to surprise you with breakfast." James explained.

Adam smiled at the thought of James thinking about him. He then helped him pick up all the pots and place them back in their original spots. "So uh James, what did you wanna make?" Adam asked ,as he put the last pot in the cupboard. "How about pancakes? I made them all the time for my siblings." James replied.

Adam stopped for a second and thought about the offer. James wasn't the best cook, nether was he, but James made the best pancakes he's ever had. Adam would even sometimes try to recreate the recipe but it never tasted the same. There was always something missing from the batter. Maybe it was the ingredients or maybe it was the fact that James wasn't next to him when he made them. Cooking with James was one of the memories he treasured the most before he-

"Okay, lets do it! Fluffy and soft pancakes for my fluffy and soft haired buddy!" Adam exclaimed. James began to cheer as he got up to grab what they needed to make pancakes. Adam watched in awe as James grabbed everything perfectly off the shelves. It was just as if nothing had happened, as if he never passed on.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna help me make breakfast?" James asked. Adam quickly snapped out of his trance and helped James pour in the flour, baking powder an sugar.

"Hey Adam, can you crack some eggs for me?" James asked.

"Sure thing Jameson." Adam quickly walked over to the fridge and brought out some eggs. He cracked two open and the places them in the bowl with the rest of the ingredients.  "Thank you Adam," James said, sticking his finger into the flour and booping Adam's nose, leaving a small drop of flour. Adam's cheeks began to flush as he grinned at the happy blond baker.

"You know this is really fun, we're almost PALS!" James helped excitedly as he poured in the milk.

"Pancake pals?" Adam giggled, "I like that name."

"Pancake pals it is!" James said as he started to mix the ingredients together. Adam added a few extra spices to make the pancakes taste better. Finally it was time to cook them.

Adam turned on the over and grabbed a spatula. James poured the first one down. "We should cook together more often. This is a blast! Not just that but it reminds me of when I made food for myself and my sibling when our parents weren't home. It was so much fun. I should visit them soon and introduce them to you."

"Wait, I already know all of James' family. Of course he wouldn't remember, he forgot. How would I even explain that to James' parents, his family? Wait what about his fans? Our friends? It's already been over a month since I brought him back. There's still a lot of time but..."

"Adam, your pancake is burning!" James yelled.

Adam quickly flipped the pancake and saw the black spots and the unpleasant scent of smoke. James took then spatula out of Adam's hand. "Maybe I should do this part. I know how to get them nice and fluffy."

Adam stepped aside to let James cook the rest of the pancakes. The shorter male then walked over to look at the calendar. It was early September and before he knew it, fall would be coming soon. His adventures with James would soon end forever. He knew that he had to make the most of it.

"Adam, pancakes are ready!"

"I'm coming James...I'm coming."

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