Day 50 - Youtube

174 11 5

James's POV

I was sitting in my room alone. Adam was walking Floof, Chunkers, and Thurnis at the time. I was bored out of my mind until I saw my computer. Maybe some YouTube videos would distract my mind. I heard Adam had videos on his channel. I looked up his name and started to watch through his stories and music.

I was absolutely in awe as I listened. He was so funny and cleaver with each video. His jokes always made me laugh and his dorky demeanor made me feel inspired. He was so good at his videos. He was an amazing story teller and musician. I wish I could be like that. I wish I could tell stories the way he did. I wish I could have a channel...wait.

I saw another video called that was recommended for me. It was made by, "The Odd 1s Out". Then it hit me. I got a huge headache as I groaned. Memories swirled around my brain as so many things were happening at once. It was way too much to process all at once. Finally, when my brain was clear and my headache calmed down I realized what was going on, I was the Odd 1s Out.

I heard the door open and the dogs start to bark. I ran downstairs and welcomed my friend Adam. He waved at me as his cheeks turned a light pink. "Adam! Adam! Guess what I just found out," I yelled excitedly.

He chuckled, "What did you learn that's getting you so jumpy?"

"I'm the Odd 1s Out! I'm an animator! Plus it's been about a year since I posted an animation. Did I quit?"

Adam seemed to of froze. He dropped the leashes on the ground and the dogs just ran around. He just stared at me in horror and disbelief. I started to worry about him as I slowly took his hand. "Adam, are you okay? Was it something I said?"

"Y-you...remember you're channel." He mumbled.

"Well it took a while but now I remember! I-isn't that great?"

"Y-yeah it's just...Um...yeah."

"Oh man. My fans have been waiting for over a year for a new video. I haven't made a single video. I should probably get to work on one."

Adam quickly grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes, "Maybe that's not a good idea. I mean, animation takes a long time and you should be relaxing."

"But there's so much I still have to share Adam! I can't just quit. There's still so many things I wanna do with my life, so many things I wanna create. I can't just wait and watch my life slip away. I have an opportunity now, I should use it."

Adam stared into my eyes as I pleaded with him. His lip quivered as he bit down on it. I give him the puppy eyes. He finally broke, sighing a little. "Fine...But you'll need a healthy work/life balance and I'll be making sure you get one."

I cheered and giggles as I throw my arms around him. He hugged me back happily I ran upstairs to get to work. Don't worry everyone! A new video is on the way!

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