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As she stepped inside the crowd, she felt the need to hide her face. Uncertainty of locking glares with the students burdened her, understandably it was her first day after all. What she first noticed was how fancy the place was compared to her previous school in Seoul. The Daegu private school was where Kim Hannah enrolled her in.

She kept her eyes fixed on the crystal floor. hummed to a song that her muted headphones weren't actually playing- just to block the heated chaos around her.

the hallway was much busier than the playground. while she unintentionally heard couple sentences from here and there she figured all that the students cared to know was of their summer vacation rather to care for who she was. the less friendlier teachers walked without a turn to help the new student that was lost and embarrassed. Jennie was barely noticed. in her previous school her bully told her that her face "is the type that can be forgotten easily." she guessed maybe that's why.

there was nothing interesting to bond her with the new city or potential classmates- other than her mother whom Jennie was stuck with for the next two years. she wished she was a time traveler, to skip where she can reunite with her father who's her only.. true family.

her parents' story is short. one day god offered them both love and money. her greedy mother chose wealth whilst her dad shared love with another woman, so you could guess whom fought for having her... her dad.

Jennie lived with him after he had won the custody back when she was eight, although Mr.Kim had no choice but to be the father he once promised Hannah to be. Jennie's mother walked out completely without any sympathy for the little girl that needed her.

until two months ago...

Hannah dropped her off by the school's gate before heading to work, no wishes, no goodbyes, like two complete strangers. if it wasn't for her father's job taking him overseas, Jennie wouldn't have been here trying to get used to such awkwardness.

she darted her gaze down at the map in her hands, searching for the principal's room she was told to find. she turned at the corner to find Mr.Kwan's name tag on a door across the narrow hallway she faced. now that she was closer to the teacher's rooms the chaos dimmed behind her so quiet that she could hear her own heart beating loud.

she put the map back in her pink backpack shifting her eyes to the top to bottom glass-wall where she could almost see the entirety of Daegu city's beautiful landscape and colorful houses.

but embarrassed she became as soon as she ran into a taller and much stronger man who came out the principal's room. making an awkward scene was her specialty, yet this time it felt more like a beginning of a romantic story when she clung onto his muscly arms that slipped around her waist and back...

..the typical love scenario.

"woah!" he yelped catching her from falling but that was it. she heard nothing more and saw nothing else than his strong facial features. He blinked in slo-mo fanning the gap between them with his long lashes; a brilliant smile replaced his soft frown making her smile even bigger. until she heard his heavy accent as he spoke swooning her for an extra five seconds "are you alright?!"

he withdrew from her fixing his maroon necktie back in place with a slight move. "y-yes!" she stammered taking a step back quickly before bowing in gratitude.. maybe embarrassed even.

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