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That morning sleep is the sweetest, from that 4am to 6 or 7am, that time when you are just enjoying your sleep happens to be the time you have to wake up.

I have my regular alarm, wait for it in 3...... 2...... 1

Bang bang bang bang on my door

"It's a school morning sleepy head, get the hell out of bed!" Piper screamed from outside my room and there goes my alarm. Trust me, it is just 6am, not too early though but I am not a morning person.

I dragged my feet out of bed in my hello Kitty pajamas, put my legs into my in house hello Kitty fluffy slippers and found my way down stairs.

Everywhere seemed empty and quiet, I wondered where my twin sister Jade was and also the rascal Piper went off to. Ignoring the thoughts of them, I sat on the dinning, placed my head on it and fell asleep.

"Where is my breakfast!!!" That familiar voice yelled making me jump from my sleep, but why? Why must Piper be so lousy every morning?

"Food wouldn't fall from heaven you know" I told her in annoyance, she threw me a dirty look.

"Yeah and that is why you are here sleeping again, when you should be almost dressed for school" she shot at me and went off to the kitchen, yelling and stumping her feet.

"Where are these maids, goddamnit" So lousy, I thought, rolled my eyes and later my head back on the dinning table or that was what I wanted to do until my not so sweet twin hit my back.

"Go get ready for school, stupid" Yeah, that was Jade. Her voice was always serious and almost sounding irritated but mostly that voice and look that says 'I don't give two fucks'.

I was quick to get up and go get dressed, the last thing I wanted to do was get on her nerves or I'm in for trouble. Even though we don't drive together, she hates when we arrive late to school.

It took me a whole lot of time getting myself ready but I when was finally done, I went straight downstairs and once again, it was empty. I saw plates on the dinning table which showed those two fools have had breakfast already, what about me?

Cool, it happens every time but as crazy and stubborn as Piper can be, she always packs my food which I eat on my way to school.

As expected, Piper was already seated in the backseat of my car like the boss, and I dare not join her in there, so I retired to the passenger seat as always. Our driver Perry was already behind the wheels, he drove off the moment I got in and I collected my already packed food from my sweet sister *note the sarcasm*.

Jade's bike was already parked before we arrived, completely normal. Piper got off the car immediately it stopped, with her scrunched up face.

"Thank you Perry" yeah, yeah, I'm a good child. With that, I got off as well and went to join my friends.


"Hey Quinn!!" Chelsea chirped. Always the preppy one.

"Hi guys!!" I greeted all of my friends and they all said hi, I received a kiss from my boyfriend Zach.

"So, what's up with Piper? She looks like she could kill someone!!" Chelsea asked.

"When doesn't she look like she won't kill someone?" Jade asked, her face focused on her phone, heaven knows what she always sees in it.

"Hey Jade!!" Nicholas said.

"Hey losser!!" She said with a sly smile making Nicholas roll his eyes.

"Well, she did kill something. Which was my sleep!!" I said and Zach put his arm round my shoulders as we walked into school.

"Let me guess, you slept late?" He asked.

"As usual!!" Jade replied and I scoff.

"It's not my fault that sleep and I have a good relationship!!" I said.

"Anyways, anyways...." Chelsea said with that tone. That tone, meant she has something 'good' to say. Note the sarcasm. She came to the front rummaging her backpack.

"It's gonna be about a dress!!" Freddy said.

"Definitely a dress!!" Nicholas added and we all nod.

"Look at the awesome new boutique I found out today!!" She said and brought out a magazine. She wanted to give to the Jade, but the look she got from Jade made her pass it over to me.

"Yeah and?" Freddy asked collecting the magazine from me.

"And we have to prepare for prom!!" She said with so much enthusiasm, we all grunt and walked away from her.

"But.....,guys!! Prom!!" She said.

"Prom is months away, months away Chel!!" Jade replied her with a dramatic face.

"Doesn't mean we can't prepare. Don't you think we will be to busy then? And all the works and....." Jade shook her head and waved to us before going.

"Rude Jade. Rude!!" Chelsea yelled and Jade waved her off before leaving.



iper's Pov.

"Are you okay Piper?" Adah asked me because I had my face all scrunched up.

"You know better than ask her that doll, she is never okay" Chris said, if not that it was Chris, I know what I could have told him.

"Yeah, yeah, I am never okay because my sister never ceases to render my waking early useless!" I told them and scrolled through my Instagram account, I should have a thousand likes on my newly posted picture.

It was a picture of me and my cute little dog "Titan".

"Chill, it is not like you were actually late" Chris tried calming me down but what was wrong right now was greater.

"Heell no!!!!" I screamed gaining a frustrated sigh from Adah.

"Instagram" she said with a bored look.

"Of course, the same reason she distracts me from my books everytime" Tammy complained, like her books had any value beside my Instagram fame!

"Read on nerd, you will never understand" I shushed her, not like she cares because almost immediately, her face was buried back into her book.

"So tell me" Chris urged me, there is the one person that listens to me, if only he would stop liking that poor Adah and focus on me.

"I posted a cute picture of my dog and I this morning and we have just have 3,566 likes but Erica posted a picture of she and her dog, and they have 3,567 likes. It is not okay!!!" I said.


More like ranted.

"It is just a difference of one like" Chris tried calming me as always.

"Yeah, one whooping like" I explained.

"I give up" Adah said in exhaustion.

"Me too" Tammy added and they both left, Chris gave me an apologetic look and ran off to join Adah, leaving me all alone.

Yeah! Of course.


So we are adapting a well known character, I know you can guess already.

Oh, it is still horror and it is coming really soon guys, really soon.

We hope you enjoyed this piece though.

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