Chapter 15

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After 30 minutes of hiding in the bathroom, the school's intercom goes off and my name rings on the speakers. 

"Would Nolan Knight please come down to Mr.Cavey's office immediately once again Nolan Knight to Mr.Cavey's office now, thankyou." 

I'm fucked. I get out of the bathroom and drag my feet down the hallway and towards the  office. With my head still down the lady at the front desk invites me in to take a seat while I wait for the shrink. 2 minutes into waiting he shows up wearing a brown knitted sweater and blue jeans. With a friendly smile on his face, he leads me to his office. Once there I take a seat in the green bean bag as he takes a seat in the blue one. He crosses one leg of the other as he places both his hands on his knee.

"So Nolan what's up." He says with raised brows. I shrug my shoulders and look at my feet. Even though I've known Mr.Cavey for all three years of me being at this school I still sort of dislike him and not because he's a bad shrink or anything it's just that he reminds me too much of my dad which is why whenever I get called down here I always end up confessing my deepest and darkest secrets to him. Sometimes I hate shrinks. 

"Your teacher was worried when you didn't come to class but not only that she was worried because you looked like you were upset during presentations." I grind my teeth before cracking my knuckles. 

"Yeah I-I was just nervous that's all," I say barely above a whisper. Mr.Cavey leans towards me I look into his blue eyes that look too much like my father's. I look away from his inquisitive gaze and grab a stress ball off the desk beside me. I squeeze it before speaking. 

"Okay, so what if I cried I'm not good at presentations okay!" I say defensively. He raises his brow and speaks.

"Nolan it's okay everyone gets stage fright or nervous when they have to present. It's perfectly normal." He continues.

"That's why I'm here to help you with school and other problems." He leans back into the bean bag chair and then speaks.

"So, what can I do to help you overcome your fear of presentations?" 

30 minutes later

"Noels you alright?" Andre says catching me leaving the office. I shrug my shoulder and stay silent. 

"Okay well it's cool if you don't want to talk about it, oh and also Irvette has your bag she's waiting in the cafeteria." I follow him to the cafeteria and to Irvette. There she's sitting with my bag next to her and her eyes glued to her phone. I slide next to her and grab her hand.

"Hey," I say quietly. She looks up from her phone with sad eyes.

"Nolan, what happened? Are you okay?" I shrug my shoulders once again then follow it up with a fake smile. 

"Yeah, Mr.Cavey just gave me advice on how to not break down during a presentation." I begin to chuckle but Andre and Irvette both look concerned. I stop smiling and look at them both.

"Guys what? y'all need to chill ok I'm fine so just drop it." I say a little more seriously. Ugh, I hate when people pity me why can't they just leave it be. 

"Okay well as long as your fine," Irvette says rubbing my hand. 

Lunch goes by in a flash as well as the rest of the day. Before I know it I'm dashing down the sidewalk soaked because an unsuspected downpour just happened to start the moment I left school. I was hoping to walk home with Irvette today but unfortunately, she had an optometrist appointment and I couldn't ask Andre cause he's got basketball tryouts after school today. 

Once I make it to the front door I'm shivering and quickly throw off my shoes before rushing upstairs into my room. I toss off my clothes as my teeth chatter. Fuck I'm freezing. Once finished I rush into the shower and crank the heat to the highest setting. My parents bought one of those new high-tech shower thingies and honestly It's way better than the standard shower. I think that's biased talking. Once I'm done showering I feel warm and relaxed. 

I head into my room and take a seat on my bed when my phone goes off. Irvette.

"I want to go skating this Friday."

"Okay cool sounds chill."

"Okay bye." 

Okay that was the fastest and most random phone call ever.

(Make sure to like and comment ;) 

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