Chapter 14 (end of book I)

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So this is the ending of the book I

Maybe I'll post the book two if there still reading this and want me to continue it =)


“Umma, where is appa?” My young Chan Mi asked me as we walked in the quiet, peaceful park that me and Gong Chan had often frequented when we were still together.

“He's somewhere out there,” I replied quietly to my daughter, bending down to straighten her jacket and lightly patted her head, and she asked, “Why isn't he here with us? Doesn't he love us?”

“He loved us,” I replied, looking up to the clear blue sky, the puffy cute clouds that seemed to remind me of him, and the small robins in flight, flying towards the embracing, warm sun.

“What do you mean, 'loved'?” Chan Mi asked, and I chuckled, “It's a very long story my dear…”

“It's okay, I want to listen,” my adorable kid puffed her cheeks the very same way her father did all of the time, and I smiled at her, gently patting her cheek lovingly.

I took her hand as we walked down the pathway of the park, where the memories seem to come back to me vividly.

The story of us … It's coming to an end already hasn't it Tristan oppa?

I haven't been able to fully let go…

I see you all of the time on the everywhere. I sometimes want to reach out and touch you. You're so close yet so far…

But I'm slowly beginning to actually let go of you.

I've finally begun to embrace that you're never going to come back.

You're now married… I hope you all of the best Tristan oppa…

Maybe in our next life we can be together… And maybe in that next life, there will be no border between the two of us…

I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused you…

But you know? I really do love you.

It's really the end…

But I'll still love you…

Did you know?

No matter how hard I try, I don't think I'll ever forget…

The story of us.

“Umma, where is appa?” My young Chan Mi asked me as we walked in the quiet, peaceful park that me and Gong Chan had often frequented when we were still together.

“He's somewhere out there,” I replied quietly to my daughter, bending down to straighten her jacket and lightly patted her head, and she asked, “Why isn't he here with us? Doesn't he love us?”

“He loved us,” I replied, looking up to the clear blue sky, the puffy cute clouds that seemed to remind me of him, and the small robins in flight, flying towards the embracing, warm sun.

“What do you mean, 'loved'?” Chan Mi asked, and I chuckled, “It's a very long story my dear…”

“It's okay, I want to listen,” my adorable kid puffed her cheeks the very same way her father did all of the time, and I smiled at her, gently patting her cheek lovingly.

I took her hand as we walked down the pathway of the park, where the memories seem to come back to me vividly.

The story of us … It's coming to an end already hasn't it Tristan oppa?

I haven't been able to fully let go…

I see you all of the time on the everywhere. I sometimes want to reach out and touch you. You're so close yet so far…

But I'm slowly beginning to actually let go of you.

I've finally begun to embrace that you're never going to come back.

You're now married… I hope you all of the best Tristan oppa…

Maybe in our next life we can be together… And maybe in that next life, there will be no border between the two of us…

I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused you…

But you know? I really do love you.

It's really the end…

But I'll still love you…

Did you know?

No matter how hard I try, I don't think I'll ever forget…

The story of us.

“Umma, where is appa?” My young Chan Mi asked me as we walked in the quiet, peaceful park that me and Gong Chan had often frequented when we were still together.

“He's somewhere out there,” I replied quietly to my daughter, bending down to straighten her jacket and lightly patted her head, and she asked, “Why isn't he here with us? Doesn't he love us?”

“He loved us,” I replied, looking up to the clear blue sky, the puffy cute clouds that seemed to remind me of him, and the small robins in flight, flying towards the embracing, warm sun.

“What do you mean, 'loved'?” Chan Mi asked, and I chuckled, “It's a very long story my dear…”

“It's okay, I want to listen,” my adorable kid puffed her cheeks the very same way her father did all of the time, and I smiled at her, gently patting her cheek lovingly.

I took her hand as we walked down the pathway of the park, where the memories seem to come back to me vividly.

The story of us … It's coming to an end already hasn't it Tristan oppa?

I haven't been able to fully let go…

I see you all of the time on the everywhere. I sometimes want to reach out and touch you. You're so close yet so far…

But I'm slowly beginning to actually let go of you.

I've finally begun to embrace that you're never going to come back.

You're now married… I hope you all of the best Tristan oppa…

Maybe in our next life we can be together… And maybe in that next life, there will be no border between the two of us…

I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused you…

But you know? I really do love you.

It's really the end…

But I'll still love you…

Did you know?

No matter how hard I try, I don't think I'll ever forget…

The story of us.

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