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-Maddison's POV-

"Hey, mum. I'm home." I call into the house as I walk through the door. I heave the groceries onto the kitchen bench and walk around the house looking for my mother. I can't find her downstairs so I make my way up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Mum?" I walk into her bedroom and see her sitting on the bed, facing the wall with slumped shoulders. Her short, messy blonde hair looks like she has run her hands through it many times - something she does when she's stressed or sad. She did that alot when dad had to leave a couple of years ago for something to do with business. It was a hard desicion but we decided it would be worth it financially.

"Mum, whats wrong?" I ask as I get closer and I hear her sniffle before turning to me. Her bright green eyes are glazed over with tears and I can faintly see mascara running down her cheeks. She pats a spot beside her on the bed, "Come here, sweetheart."

I walk over to the bed and sit beside her. "What happened, mum?" I ask, concerned, patting her back soothingly. She gives me a small smile before wiping some tears from her eyes.

"You know our neighbour, Mrs Adams?" she gives me a sympethetic look and I get confused. Did something heppen to her?

"Yeah. Why? Did something happen to her?" I can feel tears pricking at my eyes. Mrs Adams is the most lovely old lady I know. She is a grandmother to me. She would treat me like I was one of hers. I don't know what I'd do without that lovely lady.

"Well. Just know that there was nothing we could do okay, honey?" she hesitated for a moment. By now lots of horrible situations have started running through my head and I'm not sure if what she's about to tell me is better or worse. Maybe Mrs Adams moved or something. Maybe she was sick of this place and wanted to live somewhere more peaceful.

"Maddi, I'm so sorry but Mrs Adams passed away last night. We found her this morning in her car. Apparently she must have been too tired to move so when she fell asleep she didn't wake up." My heart stopped. She what? Tears started streaming out of my eyes as I grip onto my mother tightly. She runs her hand through my hair, which calms me a little.

"I just want you to know that she passed on peacefully and it wasn't painful, okay?" she whispers into my ear. I nod, the tears still pouring out. I sniffle a few times before looking back up at my mother. I have no doubt that my eyes look horrible now but that doesn't matter at the moment, Mrs Adam's was like family.

"The funeral is on Sunday. Would you like to make a speech?" she asks calmly and I nod, no words able to come out of my mouth, and even if they did I probably wouldn't make any sense. I pull out of her grip and she stands up.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" she looks at me sympethetically and I nod, following her downstairs to the kitchen. She turns the kettle on and I sit down on a chair. I watch as she makes the tea and waits for the kettle to boil. She sighs before turning to me again.

"The real estate agent said they would be putting her house on auction in about a month." I give her a confused look. Why would they put her house on the market so quickly? I clear my throat so I can speak.

"Why are they putting her house on sale so early?" I look straight into her eyes and she sighs.

"I honestly have no idea, sweetie. I guess a month must just be a long time in a real estate agent's eyes." She brings the tea over and hands it to me. "Here, this will make you feel better. Drink up." she gives me a comforting smile and I drink the tea, savouring the warmth and delicious sweetness. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Mum, I don't have anything to wear to the funeral, I don't even have many clothes." she gives me a small smile, sitting her cup back onto the bench.

"There is a dress for you to wear on your bed. I went out and bought it while you were doing the grocery shopping." she walks over to me and hugs me again. I look at the time. Crap, its getting late. I should probably go to bed soon.

"Thanks mum." I smile. She smiles back. "Will you be okay? I'm pretty tired so I might go to bed."

"Yeah, I'll be fine sweetie." she smiles, giving me a hug goodnight. I say goodnight then trudge up the stairs to my room. I'm to tired to try the dress on now so I just jump straight into bed.


The week flew by, although we didn't really talk that much. I stare in the mirror as I finish up curling my long brown hair. My deep blue eyeshadow matches my eyes, and the eyeliner makes them seem even darker. The dress I'm wearing is a knee length flowy black dress with lace sleeves. It is quite beautiful. I head out to the car where mum is waiting for me and hop into the car.

After greeting quite a few people mum and I find a seat in the church. It looks so beautiful in here. After many funny and sad speeches it's my turn to go up. I walk up slowly and take a breath before starting my speech. I clear my throat.

"Mrs Adams, she was like a grandmother to me. I can't believe she's gone. We shared many great memories together and she treated me like one of her own," I sniffle, my throat catching on itself. I feel tears rush down my cheeks. I didn't realize it would be this hard.

I stop my speech and apologise to everyone, walking back down to my seat, unable to continue. I look to mum and she gives me a reassuring smile.

After all the speaches and ceremonies it's time for the burial. I watch as my role model gets lowered into the ground.


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