Chapter Two

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-Maddison's POV-

"Maddison, get your lazy butt up this instant before that gets burnt too!" A familiar voice screeches into my ear, causing me to flinch. Why would Eva be waking me up like this? What does she mean by my butt could get burnt too? Then it dawns on me. We're still at the beach! Oh my gosh I completely forgot we were still here, and I forgot to put sunscreen on!

I open my eyes slowly but the bright sun blinds me so I have to shut them. When I open them again, letting them adjust to the light, I look at my skin. "Oh my god my skin is flaming hot red! Why didn't you tell me I was burning?!" I scream, giving Eva the biggest death stare I can manage. She looks guilty, turning back to where the guy she was with is playing in the ocean. It doesn't take long for me to get the hint.

"How long were you guys playing in the ocean for?!" I yell, my voice raspy. She sighs, giving me another guilty look before she sits next to me on the sand.

"Well I'd say we were in the water for atleast like a couple of hours before he pointed out that you might be burning, but that's when I ran straight over to you and woke you up." she mumbles, almost not loud enough for me to hear, but I heard alright.

"A couple of hours?! You left me to burn for a couple of hours? Who does that?!" I yell, letting all my anger out. I go to put an accusing arm up, but all of the skin on my arm and shoulder tightens up and a burning sensation runs through them.

"Ahh!" I scream in pain as all of the skin on my body starts tighening and heating up. Eva quickly grabs a drink bottle out of her bag and sprays it on me. The cool sensation runs over my whole body and it feels better for a second before slowly starting to heat up again.

"Does that feel better?" she asks and I nod a little. My body starts really heating up again so I  start shaking my head roughly, which makes the burning worse.

"Just get me to the car and take me home so I can moisturise!" I cry, trying to get up but failing.

"Uhh, Maddi. I haven't got my license yet, remember? You're the one who drove us here. I can't drive us back." She looks at me worried but I quickly come up with an idea.

"Go get that guy you were having fun with. I'm sure he's got a license." she gives me a shocked look but I urge her on. "Come on, please? I'm in pain and I really need to get back to the house to get moisturiser on before I fully shrivel up and start cracking!" she leaps up and takes off after the guy. I watch as she quickly talks to him and he looks abit taken by surprise but when he looks over and sees my agro face he starts nodding like crazy.

They both run back over to me and the guy picks me up and carries me to the car with Eva following close behind. He places me carefully into the car before quickly jumping into the driver seat.

Once we get back inside the house I decide it's a good idea to have a moisturiser bath.

"Hey, Eva, you got anymore moisturiser?" I yell down the staris to Eva, who's talking to the guy who drove us back.

"Don't you have enough? I swear you bought enough on the way back you could fill a room with it!" She yells back, humour clear in her voice. I growl, but then I hear footsteps walking up the stairs. She hands my a bottle of moisturiser and I willingly take it, squirting it into the bathtub.

"I swear this is a waste of moisturiser." she laughs, turning around and heading back down to the kitchen. I sigh, slowly sinking down into the cool bath. My whole body relaxes and I feel the soothing feeling take over. I rub the moisturizer onto my face and through my hair before I suddenly feel a wave of tiredness flows over me and I close my eyes, drifting away into darkness once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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