Never ending

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She was tired of sitting and waiting but the truth was she didn't know what else to do. She had been waiting three months for Keefe to wake up from his coma. Her other friends stopped visiting as frequently beginning to accept the outcome but Sophie just couldn't bring herself to accept it. Everyone was starting to worry about her never leaving the healing center barely bothering to change her clothes. That in itself just made her angrier "Keefe is the one they should be worrying about!"she thought. So with that she decided to get up not wanting people feeling sorry for her any longer. she made her way home to Havenfield. She said hello to Edaline and Grady she could tell they were surprised to see her but they didn't press on. She made her way to her room and decided to lay down before long sleep overwhelmed her. She woke up groggy before her thoughts of doughts, worry, and guilt overwhelmed her. She quickly pushed most of the thoughts away knowing she would have to be her strong for when Keefe wakes up. She got up and trudged her way to the kitchen where all of her friends were standing waiting for her.

I'll always be here for you (Sotam)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora