The visit

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"Sophie!"Biana yelled tackling her in a hug.
"What was that for?" Sophie asked.
"Sophie you haven't been out of the healing center in weeks!" Biana exclaimed.
"Oh yeah..." Sophie mumbles avoiding eye contact from all her friends giving her concerned looks with the exception of Fitz he was also avoiding eye contact. She assumed it was because they had just broken up.
"It's just we've all been so worried about you." Biana explained capturing Sophie's attention again.
"There are all the concerned looks again" Sophie thought, "she was tired of all the sympathy!" She took a calming breath before she answered not wanting to take any of her anger out on her friends literally and figuratively. (I almost forgot she was a inflictor)
"You guys shouldn't have to be worrying about me." Sophie reassured.
"From now on I'm taking better care of myself. Ok?"
"Ok." They all said in response.
"Well actually there is another reason we came." Linh blushed.
"Oh right! I almost forgot!" Biana squealed. "I herby invite you to a sleepover at Everglen tonight!"
Sophie looked at Edaline and Grady for help she really did not feel like socializing but unfortunately Biana caught this.
"Oh don't worry about that they already approved!" Biana grinned.
Her parents gave her a apologetic look.
"Ummmmm sure why wouldn't I wanna come." Sophie said trying to look as excited as possible.
"I knew you would come!" Biana squealed exitedly well we will see you tonight. They all said there goodbyes and eventually all of her friends were gone. Sophie made her way to her room starting to pack.
"A sleepover definitely won't be the same without Keefe," she thought. "But I'll give it a chance." and with that she grabbed her pathfinder and light leaped to Everglen.

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