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As I ran through the smoke of our burning ship and over my fallen comrades, I found him. My commander and mentor, laying lifeless at the helm of our ship with an arrow in his back. There would be no new orders, no new strategy to defend ourselves. I looked back and saw our enemy boarding us on both sides. I looked around and saw maybe five or six men left holding them back. I was only 17 years old. I never signed up for this. Never signed up to be slaughtered by the empire like sheep. So I did the only logical thing I could. I bailed and jumped over the railing of the ship. It hurt when I hit the water, but it seemed so peaceful here, underneath the fighting. I wanted to stay, but I knew I had to get away fast. I grabbed onto some wood from our now ruined ship and drifted away. Hearing only the clash of steel and the screams of the dying. I dared not look back.

I'd floated for hours, I possibly even fainted or maybe somehow slept. However I awoke to the sight of a ship. At first I thought it was a vessel of the Amudar Empire- my kingdoms sworn rival, but no, it was worse. They were pirates, outlaws with no honor and no mercy. I didn't dare imagine what they'd do to me, for no one would pay a ransom for ayoung sailor boy and I don't know any information that the pirates could use. I feared my only fate was to be death. I wanted to remove my armour and anything connecting me to my kingdom, the kingdom of Arkia. Yet my body refused to move.

Then I heard them, "MAN OVERBOARD", and at the sound of those words, I vomited, and this time, definitely fainted.

I awoke on the deck of a ship, the memories of the day rushing back to me. The attack on my ship, my dying comrades, drifting at sea, and now being found by pirates. Maybe I should've stayed and fought to the death.

"Hey son" Said a pirate who had just walked up to me, with a bowl of, I think some sort of soup,

"H-hello" I sputtered back.

"Here" He handed me the bowl, and I could only think, why were they helping me, they're pirates.

"Why are you helping me?" I croaked.

"We may be pirates kid, but we're not savages, how old are you, 15-16?" He asked softly.


"Well a 17 year old like you obviously is not high enough in the ranks to know any information for us, and we pirates keep tabs of anyone worth ransoming. You're definitely not one of them- and we're not about to kill a young, seaworthy gentlemen like you. Are we now?" He smiled, and just like that everything I'd ever heard of pirates changed. Maybe they did have mercy. Maybe even pity.

"You know... I'm looking for some new crew members, so why don't you stick around with us for a while? Cause we most certainly are not making the trip to drop you off back in Arkia. We'll keep you fed, warm, and who knows you might just want to stay. My names Rowan, Captain Rowan to anybody on my crew. What's your name son?

"I'm Atlas, Atlas Clark." I answered back
"And it would be my pleasure to join your crew."

I knew it was that or the brig, and this pirate captain seemed friendly enough.

"Well Atlas," Captain Rowan said, "Welcome aboard the Burning Jewel."

Rowan signalled a pirate forward and the pirate laid down a classic pirate jacket and hat by my side

"Welcome to the crew," said the pirate

"Um, thanks" I answered back quietly. He patted me on the shoulder and walked away.

"Well why don't you get some rest Atlas, once your on your feet there will plenty of work for you."

"Yes captain" I said

"That's the spirit," he replied

"Just one more thing," I asked, "where are we headed?"

"Well," said Captain Rowan, "we're headed to our hideout, The Crows Nest"

I made a map for where my Fantasy story takes place, pls check it out if you want to know where things are and where events take place


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