Chapter 2

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As we charged aboard the Arkian ship, I saw their cargo... Gunpowder. The newest tool in warfare. Even we pirates haven't got our hands on any yet. Bringing this to the crows nest will make us rich, make my reputation grow, and maybe even allow me to become the next pirate lord.


I was snapped back to reality when a sword hissed right by my face. I brought my own up through the mans torso, impaling him. He went limp instantly, and as I was pulling my cutlass from his body when I heard the footsteps of an armoured man. That meant he was not of my crew. I looked up and saw him as I pulled my cutlass free. He was a big, burly man. I could use that against him. At the last second before he hit me, I sidestepped and body checked him from behind over the railing. With his heavy armour, he would most definitely drown. I looked back at the fight and found we had nearly won already. This was great! Barely any losses and a great fortune to be had.

In moments we had killed or captured the crew of the vessel and I found what is called a flintlock pistol. It had a golden handle and wooden end. As I was inspecting it, Edwin came up to me and told me the Arkian captain wanted to speak with me. I came up on deck and saw him tied to the mast.

"You're the captain of these pirate scum!" He spat at me.

"Why yes, I am." I answered. "I heard you wanted to speak to me".

He glowered at me and said "I challenge you to a one on one duel." he announced, "prove to me you are worthy of these weapons."

I remembered that Arkians love settling things with a duel, but I am no longer one of them.

"I don't need to prove anything" I stated calmly.


I shot the captain right in the chest, and I realized just how much I was going to love this pistol.

"Throw him overboard"! I yelled "and get all this loot aboard the burning jewel"

Other than the gunpowder and weapons, we also found a small stash of gold in the captains room, as well as some more food for the rest of our journey.


2 days later

I was fiddling with my pistol when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said.

I looked up and saw Joyce.

"What is it" I asked.

"We're coming up on Insulam island" she stated.

"Perfect" I answered, "get everyone ready to land."

Insulam island was the home of Insulam fortress. An old fort of the Kingdom of Arkia, but these days it has become a constant battleground for the war between the Arkians and Amudarians. Tens of thousands of men die there each year. But even better is that high ranking commanders are always here, and we can sneak in their camp- or ship- capture them to take them prison and ransom them later. Today would be perfect for us. We were to capture Kamden Huxley. The prince of the empire and heir to its throne. We could fetch a very high price for him. But he would also be very well guarded.

I walked on deck to see Joyce had readied herself and five of my best crew mates that were going to come with me to kidnap Kamden.

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