Chapter 1

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12 years later

"Well that was quite the haul now wasn't it Atlas?" said Edwin, my first mate.

"It's Captain Atlas to you, Edwin." I grinned and everyone at the table shared a good chuckle. We all know it's not right that we make fun of Rowan only two years after his death, however we always found it funny how he always made us refer to him as Captain.

After his death I took his place and we've done quite well these past few years. We just finished raiding the Amudar coast and made quite the profit.

"Honestly my friends," I said raising my glass, "I couldn't imagine another crew that I'd rather be pillaging and stealing with than you! So how about another round on me!"

Everyone cheered and I could scarcely remember the time I was ever afraid of pirates. Yet here I was, the youngest Captain throughout all the pirate fleet. Being a pirate was the best thing to ever happen to me. Everything is permitted, I can think what I like and act how I please, and when everything is permitted, I can chase every desire.

Suddenly, a young boy burst in through the tavern door. There was some grumbling about his age from around the room, but the boy walked up to me and spoke.

"Captain Clark, the Pirate Lord has requested your presence in his tower." Everything in the tavern went quiet as I was left to wonder what the pirate lord wanted from me. He was known as the single scariest man in The Crows Nest. It's said that neither the Amudar Empire, or the Kingdom of Arkia challenges us pirates in fear of him- even though no one in fact knows his real name. I've only seen him once, and was in no rush to see him again. But what was I to do.

"All right then," I put on a fake smile and turned to my crew "Sorry boys, looks like the next rounds on Edwin!"

Normally that would get a laugh but not this time, they're all to shocked. I turned around and followed the messenger up to the lords tower.

"Do you have any idea what he wants?" I asked the messenger.

"No sir." the boy said wearily as we walked farther and farther, all the way up to the lords high tower. With every step I got more and more nervous. As I approached his door, the messenger stated he was to wait outside.

When I walked in I was surprised to see many other Captains whom I've met before, all of them seemed somber, some even scared. My eyes scanned over their faces and as I looked to the end of the room I saw him, the pirate lord, face down on his table. Pale as a ghost.

"What is this?" I asked.

"He's dead." said a captain to my left. I turned to face him, realizing it was my friend, Captain Greyson.


"We don't know, but we think he was poisoned" he answered wearily. I wasn't sure how this was possible. The lord had servants taste all his food and drink before he gets it.

"We have to keep this secret between only us." said another captain, "if the empire or The Arkians discover this, they will send their armies. We have looted and pillaged their ships and villages for years. We have no allies"

"In secret we must Choose a new pirate lord" someone else announced.

"Everything must stay as it is, we continue to pirate as normal and when the time is right we will choose someone new to take his place."

I knew I could never earn the title of Pirate Lord, as I was the youngest and most inexperienced Captain here. But there was some rivals among my fellow captains whom I would not want at the helm of our fleet. Captain Huxley most of all, as he is vile, cruel and malicious, the classic pirate. Him and my old Captain Rowan hated each other, and it seems some of that hate had fallen on me. If he was pirate lord I fear he may even exile me.

It was my first time at a captain council so I kept quiet through it all. In the end, they decided our strategy was to do nothing. Change nothing. And when the Amudar empire and Kingdom of Arkia are weak from their war, then we would announce a new pirate lord.

Hours later I arrived back in my quarters. My crew slept on our boat, but I allowed Edwin- my best friend and first mate- to stay with me here. When I got back he was sleeping. At least I wouldn't have to lie to him for a few hours. I knew no captain would give this information away to anyone because that would mean the end of pirating- which we all love too much. But I could not sleep. For I thought only about how the killer did it. The pirate lord was one of the most powerful and protected men in the land and yet they got to him. I couldn't help but wonder, why not kill King Edric, or Emperor Harlan. They must have killed him for a personal vendetta.

Before I knew it, sun was creaking through my shutters and Edwin awoke from where he lay on my floor.

"Atlas!" He sat up, "what happened with you and the pirate lord last night?"

"Uhh, he just wanted to congratulate me on our great raid along the coast." I answered quickly.

"That doesn't sound like him..." he looked at me with suspicion in his eyes.

"I don't know what to say." I shrugged.

"Your lying." Edwin said his face now more serious than his usual happy grin.

I sighed, "You can't tell a single soul about this Edwin, but the Pirate Lord is dead, and I'm to pretend that it never happened"

"What!" Edwin exclaimed "this is not good"

"I know, I know," I said, throwing up my hands, "you can't tell anyone, do I have your word... actually your a pirate. So if you tell anyone, you can't stay in my quarters anymore"

Edwin laughed softly, "fine, I won't tell anyone" he promised.

Soon after we got to the ship, the entire crew was asking me about my meeting, I gave the same answer I gave Edwin at first. They seemed skeptical, but knew not to question their captain. "Do we have a heading?" asked
Joyce, my only woman crew member on board and one of my closest friends.

"Let's patrol the area near Insulam island, there's bound to be some supply ships going to support the war their."

Most pirates believe a woman on board a ship is bad luck. I don't believe that superstitious nonsense, just like I don't believe the tales that powerful and evil sorcerers and witches live in the mountains, shrouded by darkness. People call them the Eternal, but I know there's no way they exist. Superstition and religion is a waste of time to me. I believe in only what I can see and feel. Besides, Joyce has proven her worth time and time again.

We were only an hour into our voyage when we saw it. A lone vessel. Through my spyglass I saw maybe 15-20 men onboard it was definitely not a war ship and it looked like it belonged to my old kingdom of Arkia. Their supply ships don't usually travel to this side of the island. I made peace with looting my kingdom, they sent me out to die 12 years ago. This was a good opportunity for some more plunder.

Their anchor was down, but their sails were up. Maybe they had just escaped a fight, and are rushing to help their wounded, without a having to deal with sailing their ship. We would give them no respite.


I had 10 archers who will shoot our enemies crew, and 19 swordsmen including myself who would board and kill any remaining Arkians and steal any loot they have.

We pulled up beside them... this was it.

"BOARD!!" I shouted "NO MERCY!"

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