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All he could feel was pain. Nothing more, nothing less. Just pain. An aching in his mind... His body... His soul.. 

He laid apprehensively, trapped in his own mind by a sadistic sociopathic parasite, who wanted nothing more than destruction. He shouldn't have eaten that apple... That FUCKING APPLE! God damnit... It was partially his own fault too though..  here, trapped in the darkness for god knows how long, nothing but the occasional drip of the goop that his new body seemed to have an abundance of. He heard it plop to the ground in his mindscape... Though it wasn't an escape... 

More like a prison . Sitting here... Alone... Nobody to even listen to. Everything was silent. As always. He'd tried to entertain himself for the first few years but ...drawing and playing tic tac toe on your own wasn't much fun... Or time consuming.

He laid in a pile of the dripping muck, his already stained and ripped clothing becoming damp once more. He laughed without humor, feeling the darkness take even more of a toll on his already broken mind. He could see eyes from the darkness. Watching him. Always. They never left him. He was never alone, there was always something, slightly shrouded in the dim light peeking at him from the darkest recesses of his mind... But then what was it ...?

He had no answer, and he didn't want one either. He banged on the dark, oily yet solid border between himself and freedom, not even putting a crack in the hard surface. He cried for help, losing all hope as he laid down once more.

But nobody came.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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