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The last remaining days were horrible. Full of heartbreaks and jealousy.

The last remaining days, they all, literally all of them avoided the ginger. He tried to talk to them, only for him to receive " later, Hinata." " I'm busy." " Please say sorry to Hyori first." Every time he tried to approach them, once they see him, they walk away. Some even walk up to Hyori, probably asking her how their play was like.

But it's not my fault. That one line kept running around his mind. Alone, he sigh, trying to hold in his tears. It's just a simple " I'm busy.". A simple " Say sorry to her first.".

" It's stressing me out." But it's stressing him out to the point that he's crying himself to sleep. He love them so so much. But with that simple misunderstanding, it's like everything they did never existed. It's like, they're back to square one. He didn't know a simple misunderstanding can turn things around.

With another sigh, he let his tears fall. He clasp his hands together and rest his forehead, his elbows on the railing. His shoulder shaking as he cry silently. Not making a single sound. Holding back his sobs. His cries. His pain. He hold back everything that his head's pounding painfully.

He just got better, he recovered from his fever I mean. But it feels like what he's feeling right now is more unbearable than the feeling he felt when he was sick.

The balcony's door open, making a sliding sound, causing him to flinch. He wiped his tears off and quickly turned around.

" Onii-chan. Why are you still awake?" Natsu yawned, her panda plushie in her right arm, which Kenma got her, while her left hand on the sliding door.

" Natsu? Why are you awake, hunny?" He asked, picking the girl up and leaned on the railing.

" I can't sleep without you, Onii-chan." She said, pouting a bit, making the other redhead pinch her cheek. How cute.

" Aww my sister is still a baby." He said teasingly.

" I'm not!" She quickly covered her mouth when she realized she just shouted. But she quickly removed her hands and ask her onii-chan, " Onii-chan, why is everyone walking away from you?"

This caught him off guard, turning his head to her quickly, causing for her to flinch a bit. He relaxed himself and let out a sigh.

He cleared his throat, feeling his eyes tearing up again, remembering what happened days ago, " Let's just say, Onii-chan was . . uhm . . Onii-chan was blamed for something he didn't do."

He look back again to Natsu, his eyes soften as tears, he didn't know are falling down, which cause Natsu to quickly held his cheeks.

" I don't want you to think bad of your Onii-chan, Natsu. Baby, I don't want you to think that your Onii-chan's a bad person. Because I'm not."

With small sobs and sniffs, Natsu choked out, " Onii-chan's not a bad person." She said, tears also falling down. It's unbearable for her to see her Onii-chan crying. It breaks her heart millions of times. Seeing her one and only savior, her prince, her big brother, her hero, a crying mess right in front of her.

" I'm not a bad person, Natsu."

" You're not. And you will never be, Onii-chan."

Outside the accommodation, the busses are lined up properly along with the players. For the others, the atmosphere is very gloomy and awkward. But for the two redheads, it's just like a normal day. I mean, they got every pain out of their chests last night, had a peaceful sleep, a normal breakfast, a normal practice match. Even though what happened the past few days, he'll stay strong.

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