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Thomas stopped, staring at Newt, his face shocked. 

"Are you 100% sure Newt? Like, properly sure?"

"Yes, I am. This means something doesn't it?"

Thomas nodded and Lydia stepped in, looking like all the energy had been sucked out of her. She obviously knew what it was. 

"His eyes were pink, which means this is a completely different supernatural creature. He's been possessed by something. Obviously, I read up on Supernatural creatures, using google, after we realised the book didn't have everything in it, like hellhounds. I made my own version and during my research, I found out about demon sprits. Scott must be possessed by a type of Nogitsune, one we haven't seen before. It's the demon of jealously."

Malia sighed, eyes glowing a soft blue, "And I don't suppose you know how to defeat this thing? Or would that be too easy?" Minho and Kira grimaced and winced. Malia was clearly so done with this, she just wanted to find Thomas' friends and then get out of here. A Nogitsune was the last thing they needed. 

Lydia bit her lip, "There's only one way, because it's not like the other Nogitsune. You can't change the host, you have to kill it with another Nogitsune. Unless we can do that, Scott will infect the ones around him and Beacon Hills will never be the same."

Minho exhaled, "We've seen first-hand what jealously does. It turns ordinary people into monsters. Janson, a leader a WICKED, was so jealous of Thomas being in a higher position than him, he made it his personal mission to kill him. Jealousy is like a deadly poison, it's hard to recover from. If what you're saying is true, then we have to do whatever it takes. At least we know how to defeat the other types of Nogitsune, change the host. We have to do this."

Newt nodded, a determined look crossing his eyes and the others stood up a little straighter, like soldiers. They set off again, planning their next move. It was a simple plan but execution was key. 

First, infiltrate WICKED and break the Gladers out. Then, blow up the entire compound and make sure Janson is definitely dead. Get out of the Scorch with a Nogitsune and learn to control it enough to defeat jealousy. Lastly, travel back to Beacon Hills and free Scott and trap the other Nogitsune. 

They'd decided that Thomas would take on the Nogitsune again, because he had experience, and they figured it would want to possess him anyway. They hoped they'd have enough of an advantage to beat it at it's own game. If Thomas asked it a riddle before it asked its, he'd have control instead of it. Newt was really worried, but he'd agreed when they said he could kill it at the end. Now, it was just the teensy problem of getting across the Scorch, finding Teresa and then freeing the Nogitsune. 

Newt and Thomas were hand in hand, walking in the blistering heat. Thomas could tell that Newt was still very concerned about the plan so he decided that he would make it OK, in one way or another. Even if that meant leaving Scott to the Nogitsune. Newt was his everything, one of the only people he could rely on for anything, whenever and whatever he needed. He could not, would not, lose him again. He was the cure for the Flare, so everyone was clear for that, but that was only in an emergency. Thomas thought that Newt may be immune now, but was reluctant to risk it, that's why they'd raided Argents' weapons rooms. Long distance weapons were best. 

They were nearing the last city, the ruined remains and rubble everywhere, when Lydia volunteered to call Deaton. She said they were close to a cell tower and she'd be able to get reception. The others agreed and they formed a protective barrier around her. With their track record, they'd be swarmed by Cranks. 


"Deaton, it's Lydia. I'm just checking something."

"Oh? Go ahead."

"Do you still have the Nogitsune in the jar?"
There was a pause and Thomas, straining his ears, heard the vets' sharp intake of breath. 

"Lydia, I thought you knew. Some scientists came in and took it. I thought Scott told you?!"              Malia's eyes narrowed and Kira put a hand on her arm to hold her back. Newt and Minho looked at her worriedly and snapped their attention back to Lydia. Derek scowled, clearly remembering Void!Stiles throwing across the room and then harnessing the Tasers' power. Lydia continued. 

"Deaton, I need you to be as specific as possible. What did the scientists look like?"
He thought for a moment. 

"They were dressed in lab coats and had gas masks on, but they also had lettering on them. It looked a bit like the word wicked. Why? How important is it?"

Brenda snatched the phone away and hung up looking at the rest in disbelief. The Survivors exchanged looks and the pack looked mildly confused. Nobody wanted to fight WICKED more than they had too and getting the Nogitsune would be a problem. They'd be unlikely to get it given to them willingly. 

Unfortunately, the didn't have time to discuss it, seeing as they were now surrounded by Cranks. Immediately, the Survivors threw weapons to each other, pushing the pack into the centre of the circle and began shooting. BANG, BANG, BANG. Three shots in quick succession, hitting the target perfectly. Brenda rolled and threw herself at the Cranks, accompanied by Harriet and Sonya. The Ivy Trio fought together, like a perfectly oiled machine. They seemed to know what the others needed before they needed it. It was the mark of how close they all were. 

They'd just finished killing all of the others, when a berg appeared above them and a box was thrown down. It landed directly at Thomas' feet and the lid popped off. Lydia gasped, realising what it was immediately. A fly, small but having captured the attention of everyone, went straight into Thomas' open mouth. He choked and collapsed but stood up within a couple of seconds, eyes dark and determined. He grabbed Newt and Lydia's hands while Minho put the guns back in there holsters, sure, that this time, he'd win. 

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