17. Panic attacks

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Ochako was standing infront of Bakugo's building giving him a goodnight kiss.
"Just stay over at mine... or like move in we have space Aki adores you."
"Katsuki we have been together for less then three days."
"So what? Shit happens why wait? Why waste time?" He drops his shoulder and shrugs. "Do what you want."
"Mmm I want to come over for breakfast."
"Sure Aki wanted a souffle omelette... so that's what we are going to eat."

Ochako locked the door of her apartment and just threw herself onto her bed. Her mind was whirling talking about her ex for so long just made her exhausted. She honestly would be pleased if their entire organization was swallowed whole into the ground. She fell into a restless sleep for a few hours before jolting awake. Her body felt like it was on fire and she couldn't breath properly. She reached over to her phone and called Katsuki.
"Fuck round face do you know what time it is!"
She wants to talk but her mouth won't produce the words, the panic is taking over. She hears that he's hung up and tears prick her eyes. She hasn't bad a panic attack in so long she's forgotten how they felt. She feels like she's trapped in a mind prison for what seems like forever until she feels two warm arms envelop her. 
"Babe you ok?" A familiar voice calls out to her but it seems distant and far away. "Fucking Round face you need to respond to me!"
Suddenly everything in her mind shatters and she realizes' Bakugo is hugging her tightly against his chest, his hands rubbing her back in a comforting way. She grasp her hand around the fabric on the front of his chest.
"There you are." He says softly as he kisses her forward. "Panic attack right? Asami would get them after fucked up missions."
"Aki's mum." He pauses it felt awkward to say her name out aloud. He hadn't said her name since her funeral. As a general rule he refused to talk about her. "So does this happen a lot? Or did something trigger it?"
"No it doesn't anymore, just talking about clan stuff brought up repressed memories."
"Did you love him?"
"Huh? I guess maybe at the start or maybe it was infatuation... I think I confused sex for love." Ochako explains to Bakugo who begins to make a feral growl. "Don't make that noise. It's not like you were saving yourself for me."
"Want to pack some stuff and stay at mine for a bit... if this shit is your trigger it might be better. You will have to talk about those bastards a lot in the coming weeks... Also I broke you front door."
"How else was I mean to get into the apartment? I'm too heavy for Aki to fly across."
"You contemplated letting Aki fly your grown ass to my balcony?"
He shrugged "I see her fly over to your balcony all the time."
"Katsuki do you ever think you could forgive Midoriya?"
"Tck we were having a sweet moment why did you have to ruin it with the nerds name." Bakugo pulls away from Ochako and begins to look for a bag to pack some stuff for her. 

The next morning Aki runs into the kitchen in her uniform. She sits down to begin eagerly scarfing the the souffle omelette she requested for breakfast. Bakugo sits down in front of her trying to look serious while he drinks his coffee. 
"Aki I need to have a serious chat wit... are you listening to me... STOP FOR ONE SECOND STUFFING YOUR FACE!"
Aki looks up at him glaring and begins obnoxiously slurping her juice. 
"So as I was saying ... JUST STOP NO EATING OR DRINKING RIGHT NOW"  He yells.
Aki stops drinking putting both hands flat against the dining table. "Happy old man?"
"Yes so I know this may be a shock to you but Ochako is going to staying with us for  a while, just until a case at work is over... How do you feel about this?"
Aki continues gobbling up her food. "Was that all Papa?"
"Tck such a big deal over nothing. I like Koko she's fun unlike you."
"Koko is fun... Papa is boring and angry." 
"Oi you little brat you are not to young to get a smack!"
"Not if you can't catch me!" Aki runs around the kitchen with Katsuki trying to catch her. She grabs her school bag and runs to the balcony and jumps off it while extending her wings. She turns to look at her dad and pulls a face. "Papa I'm glad you're happy... I'm happy to! Can we go out for dinner tonight to celebrate?"
Bakugo is standing at the balcony and nods in defeat. "Fly safely to school."
He turns around and see Ochako with a sleepy face in his T shirt at the kitchen counter. 
"How was Aki with me staying here?" She says with her eyes half closed still chasing away her sleep. She is suddenly awake when she realizes he's picked her up and put her over his shoulder. "KATSUKI!"
"She was fine, now we're going back to the bedroom because you look too fucking good in my clothes right now."

The pair are spooning together in bed, Katsuki was just lazily playing with Ochako hair. 
"You don't have work today Katsuki?"
"Nah I took a leave day."
"How come you don't care about your rank anymore?"
"Tck you know you're always ruining the mood... Asami was number 3 and I was number 4...We had bets running on who would get to number 1 first... Chasing for that spot killed her." He surprisingly opens up about his past as he buries his head into her neck. He mumbles "Plus its hard being a single parent and put in all those hours. Aki was the biggest brat as a baby and toddler." 

Bakugo and Ochako stand awkwardly at the front of the primary school as the school bell rings. Shortly after Aki runs out and see's the two and runs over to hug Ochako.
"Koko want to meet my friends?" She happily sings.
"What I don't even get a hello?"
"You were a grump this morning! You even said you'd smack me!" 
"BAKUGO!" Ochako scolds loudly.
"Brat I have never touched a hair on your heard!"
"No Koko he hasn't grandma said she would beat him to a bloody pulp if he ever did."
"AKI that's not why I don't smack you!... Sigh... just take your new best friend to meet your friends I'll wait here."
Aki introduces some of her friends to Uraraka who makes some of them float so Aki can take them for a bit of a joy ride around the playground. When they head back to where Katsuki was waiting he had amassed a small fan group of women all preening over him. Aki huffed and puffed stalking towards her father. She blasted the ground near the ground to grab their attention.
"Papa has a girlfriend... she's much prettier then all of you. BEGONE THOTS!"
"AKI!" Both Bakugo and Ochako yell but the group of women move along.
"Aki language!" 
"Thot is not a swear word?"
"It's inappropriate to call people Thots and you could have hurt someone with the blasts... Cheeks tell her!"
"Err well when you were young you weren't much better." She shrugged. 
"Fuck I'm outnumbered" He muttered to himself. Both of the girls yell.

They end up going to an arcade for a bit before they head to an sushi train restaurant for dinner. The lady at the front comments how they look like an adorable family. Bakugo was unusually quiet during dinner and just watched his two girls interact with each other. He had to tell them off for both taking to the skies on the way home. Ochako was floating and Aki flying showing her how her wings crackled like fireworks. 
"Wow that's cool Aki!"
"I kind of wish they would ignite like Mama's" She says a hint of disappointment in her voice. 
"I think you Mum would think the crackles would be cool like fireworks! or maybe when your older they can explode think how fast you would be!"
Bakugo was on the ground just looking up at them feeling irritated by being left out of this conversation. 
"MAKE US ORGE  MAN!" Aki yells down to him. "RACE YOU HOME! Koko hold on. Ready set GO!"
Bakugo smirks and uses his quirk to propel himself forward but backed off towards the end to let Aki win. He knelt over a bit to add to the image of him being out of breath. 
"Fu-- DAMMIT I must be getting old."
"Yea you better hit the gym with uncle Kirishima more!" Aki retorts before turning to Ochako. "Papa's tired can you float him so we can all fly upstairs?" 
Ochako uses her quirk both on herself and Bakugo and they let Aki fly them up to the balcony. 
"Bath then bed its already 8:00pm."
Bakugo ran the bath in his en suit and grabbed Ochako and carried her to the bathroom so they could take a bath together. 
"You're really good with Aki." He says suddenly.
"Yea we get along really well. Today was really fun especially when she chased away the 'thots'."
Bakugo groans. "She's just as bad as me at that ages. Did you really enjoy today? because honestly most people aren't keen on the family life side they just wanted the 'benefits' of being a hero's significant other."
"Stupid Pomeranian! Remember we were both in the same class in the hero course... of course  I know its not all ribbon cutting and magazine covers. Plus you're an amazing father ... losing that race and everything." 

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