Chapter 3

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Donald's POV


I'm with the trebles, singing to get recruits since we have two open spots. I looked up from my phone because I felt someone staring at me. I saw Jade by the Bellas' booth and winked at her. I focused back on the trebles when I heard Bumper criticize Hat. 

"Bumper." I tried to calm him. I took it as a lost cause when he still continued. He was about to continue when two freshmen walked to us.

"Hi, Benjamin Applebaum. I saw you guys at the "Mall of America" like ago. Changed my life. Haven't stopped thinking you since." The curly haired one introduced.

"Thanks, man." Bumper said as we both looked at him weirdly.

"Bumper, huge fan. Your arrangement of Lovin' Spoonful's "Do You Believe in Magic" me to become a illusionist." He made some trick with a scarf. His friend tried to encouraged hi by saying wow.

"The smell of your weird is affecting my vocal chords. Skeedadle." Bumper shooed them away.

"So why don't we exchange emails or hangout some other time." Benji continued.

"Hard pass. Hard pass. What a nerd alert!" Bumper rejected. Thankfully after that they walked away.

*Time Skip*

Treble Frat House

We were in the Frat House eating pizza for lunch because none of us can cook to save our life.

"I'm gonna move in here because my roommate is that weirdo Jacob Israel." Bumper said as we were watching some movies.

"Tough luck to you, but you might not see me around the house because my roommate is a hot girl." I said, taking a bite out of my pizza.

"What?!" They all screamed.

"Yeah, took me by surprise too." I said feeling smug about it.

"No way, I don't believe you. Are you pulling our legs right now?" Greg exclaimed. I didn't reply and just smirked at them.

"Well, I gotta get back to my dorm. Still need to finish setting up my things." Getting up, I made my way out but before I could even open the door, I heard scrambling as all of them ran after me.

"We're going with you. We want to see your roommate to make sure you're not joking around." Unicycle said with the others nodding their heads. I just shake my head as I know they were going to follow me either way.

Trinity Hall Dorm

We were at my door when we heard singing. And it's really good. We crept up to the door and I saw that it was Jade using her recording station, she's also playing her keyboard. We watched as she finished and took off her headphones. I clapped in amazement, she turned to us looking surprised.

"You sound amazing!" Greg said, clapping maniacally. Jade raised her eyebrows at all of us.

"I know." she said smirking. 

"Guys, this is Jade West, my roommate. Jade these are the Treblemakers." 

"Hey, beautiful, the name's Bumper, if you want, we can have dinner later." Bumper said winking.

"Unicycle at your service."

"Greg Gorenc, nice to meet you."

"You can call me Hat."

"My name's Michael."

"I'm Steven."


"Pleasure." she replied. "I heard you sing in the quad, it's good."

"Thanks, you're really good too. What song was that, I don't think I ever heard that song before?" Greg asked.

"That's an original wrote by my friend, he needs my voice for his demo."

"That's cool. Are you majoring in music?" I asked.

"No, actually I'm getting a degree in film production and theater acting."

"I didn't peg you for a theater kid. Why theater?" I asked.

"Well I didn't peg you for an acapella-boy. But theater is the place for challenge, it's only one take, so you have to be at your best all the time." she replied.

"Huh, I didn't think of it that way." I replied, thoughtful.

"Well, we might be in some classes together, we're taking some acting classes this semester." Greg said

We talked some more and I learned some pretty interesting things about Jade. She was from Hollywood Arts, which was cool. She loves horror movies and scissors. The Trebles stayed at our dorm after we ate some take out.

"Your friends are interesting." She said while getting ready for bed.

"I know they can get a bit weird but they're fun to be with."

"I have weirder friends, don't worry." she said chuckling.

"Good night Jade." I said while taking off my glasses.

"Good night Donald."

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I guess that's it for now. I'm taking artistic freedom in some of the scenes that are OOCs, 'cause I know that they are not really in character.

Please tell me if there is anyway I can make this better in the comments. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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You Don't Know Me -  Pitch Perfect & Victorious X-over (Jade West/Donald Walsh)Where stories live. Discover now