Chapter 1: Michael

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"Beep!Beep!Beep!" My alarm screams. "Five more minutes mom," I say when I try to go back to sleep. "Michael it's your first day of high school!" Let's not be late!" Mom says as she pulls my blanket out of my bed. 

"Hey!, What was that for!" I say as I try to tuck myself back to bed. "You do know it's the first day of high school right?" Mom said."Um yeah, it SURE is today mom. High school doesn't start until next week, like on September 8 or something." I said.

 "Yeah, it's totally not September 8 cuz it is!" Mom says as she gets a watery paper towel and puts it on my face.

"WAIT  A SECOND...... TODAYS THE DAY!" I cried as I jump out of bed, changed into my clothes, and raced down to eat my breakfast. 

"What's with all the commotion happening Madam Zuri?" (Picked the name randomly cuz why not XD) "Just your average Michael running down the stairs to got started on his first day of school  Issac."  "Just as I expected Madam.  Well, I guess it is best to tell the waiters to prepare the food for him." Issac said.

'It's ok Issac." Mom says as she goes downstairs."I'll do it."  Are you sure Madam?" Issac says. I can....." it's really ok Issac." You're dismissed now." My mom says. "Thank you, Madam Zuri". Issac says as he walks downstairs. "Michael? Ready for school yet?" My mom asks.

 One more minute!" I screamed as I stuffed the rest of my breakfast in my mouth. 

"Okay then." She says back. "Meet you in the limo ok?"

"Okay mom," I say as I race to the limo. 

As I go outside of the mansion, I see Issac getting ready with the limo and talking to my driver.

"Are you ready to go now, Master Michael?" He asks. "Yes I am ready but you don't have to call me that Issac. Just call me by my real name." I say back. 

"Ok then," Issac said back. " I will try my best next time." 


In the Car

"So mom," I say "Which high school am I going to?"  "Oh, you just wait and see my little munchkin," Mom says. 

 "MOMMMMMMMMM!" I say. "please stop calling me that". "But you really are my munchkin son.'' She says as she laughs. 

"But seriously mom," I say. "Which high school am I going to go to though?" "Like I said son," Mom says. "Just wait and see." 

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