Chapter 5: Kion

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Ughhhhhhhh!!! It's the first day of torture!!!! I've been going to this school since kinder so I know the place very well.


As soon as I wake up, I change, eat, and brush my teeth, then I went to the car. 

As soon as my Dad dropped me off at school, I see a ton of people crowding someone which I expected was Michael Dean Ambrose. 

I thought to myself  "Cool that rich kid is here no biggie."

It became a big deal when he stood up for my buddies: Zach, Leo, and Lucas.

But I gotta say that the kids got talent.

How he fended off brad and his goons by himself was amazing. We pinned Brad down like it was nothing and mopped the floor with him.

But just then Ms. Meriwether, big 'ol  Ms. Meriwether arrested us(That is my term for going to detention)

In detention, Ms. Meriwether asked what my name was. 

I ignored what she said because I thought she didn't deserve it since I got in trouble and all.

But then I thought that I was also responsible for this too.

So I told her my name was Kion.

After that in Spanish class, I saw Michael and found out that he was going to sit right next to me with the rest of the gang. 

"You guys still remember that we are going to my house after school at 5 pm right?" He asked.

"Yep!"We all said.

When we were finished with that class, I saw Michael talking with someone.

I went there and asked who was he talking to.

And there I saw it....... My GREATEST FEAR............IT'S ..............A .............GIIIIIIIRRRRLLLLL!!!!!!

"AHHH!!!" I screamed as I tried to hide from her.

Then Michael stepped on my foot really hard. 


"1: For embarrassing me 2: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He said.

"I just have a problem with girls that's all." I simply said with the calmest voice I can.

"So you are saying......." Michael said. " THAT THE GREAT KION DE ANGELO IS AFRAID OF GIRLS???!!!!???"

He starts to burst out laughing like crazy.

"Do you seriously have to do that?" I asked.

"Yes." He said. "Just let me savor the moment before you start to beat me up ok."

"Wow love your humor. " I say sarcastically.

"Anything for the fans!" He says.

As soon as he said that, we both started laughing like crazy.

"Are you still going to my mansion even though the girl is going with us?" he asked.

"That is past my boundaries. " I said.

"I'm not asking a yes or a no question." He said.

"What do you mean by that......" I asked.

"I mean that you are going to my mansion still with or without girls." He said.

"WHAT!!!????"I screamed.

"My mom asked your mom already." He said.

"This is even worse than school now!!!!!" I said.

"Time to face your phobia now." He said rubbing his hands together.

He is probably trying to find a way to torture me.


"WHYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!" I screamed as Michael pulls me into the limo.

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