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I was running as fast as I could. I felt powerful, more powerful than anyone. I managed to escape the messed up people that were referred to as my family. I saw something, in the distance. It looked like a shrine, to Zeus. I had some bread in my pocket, so I offered it, along with a drop of my blood. I prayed to him, for hours. Nothing happened. "Of course, when I need help, nothing happens." I said, walking off. I found a cozy spot under a tree, and fell asleep. When I woke up, I legitimately thought that I died. "Am I dead? Did I die of starvation?" I asked myself. Two tall gates were right in front of me. "Where am I? This doesn't seem like anywhere I know..." I told myself. There was a button right next to the left gate. I pressed it, and the gates opened, to reveal a beautiful city. "Things are gonna get interesting." I said, walking into the city.

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